
meh.com Go API

Primary LanguageGo


-- import "github.com/nickvanw/meh"

meh provides a simple client for the meh.com API


func WithClient

func WithClient(client *http.Client) func(c *Client)

WithClient changes the http client from the default API client

func WithKey

func WithKey(key string) func(c *Client)

WithKey is a config method to set up the meh.com API key

func WithURL

func WithURL(urlStr string) func(c *Client)

WithURL changes the base URL of the meh.com API

type Client

type Client struct {

Client is a Meh Go API client

func NewClient

func NewClient(conf ...func(c *Client)) *Client

NewClient returns a new Meh API Client

func (*Client) Current

func (c *Client) Current() (*Current, error)

Current returns the current deal on the meh.com homepage

type Current

type Current struct {
	Deal struct {
		Features string `json:"features"`
		ID       string `json:"id"`
		Items    []struct {
			Attributes []interface{} `json:"attributes"`
			Condition  string        `json:"condition"`
			ID         string        `json:"id"`
			Photo      string        `json:"photo"`
			Price      int           `json:"price"`
		} `json:"items"`
		Photos         []string  `json:"photos"`
		SoldOutAt      time.Time `json:"soldOutAt"`
		Specifications string    `json:"specifications"`
		Story          struct {
			Body  string `json:"body"`
			Title string `json:"title"`
		} `json:"story"`
		Theme struct {
			AccentColor     string `json:"accentColor"`
			BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor"`
			BackgroundImage string `json:"backgroundImage"`
			Foreground      string `json:"foreground"`
		} `json:"theme"`
		Title string `json:"title"`
		Topic struct {
			CommentCount int       `json:"commentCount"`
			CreatedAt    time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
			ID           string    `json:"id"`
			ReplyCount   int       `json:"replyCount"`
			URL          string    `json:"url"`
			VoteCount    int       `json:"voteCount"`
		} `json:"topic"`
		URL string `json:"url"`
	} `json:"deal"`
	Poll struct {
		Answers []struct {
			ID        string `json:"id"`
			Text      string `json:"text"`
			VoteCount int    `json:"voteCount"`
		} `json:"answers"`
		ID        string    `json:"id"`
		StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"`
		Title     string    `json:"title"`
		Topic     struct {
			CommentCount int       `json:"commentCount"`
			CreatedAt    time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
			ID           string    `json:"id"`
			ReplyCount   int       `json:"replyCount"`
			URL          string    `json:"url"`
			VoteCount    int       `json:"voteCount"`
		} `json:"topic"`
	} `json:"poll"`
	Video struct {
		ID        string    `json:"id"`
		StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"`
		Title     string    `json:"title"`
		Topic     struct {
			CommentCount int       `json:"commentCount"`
			CreatedAt    time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
			ID           string    `json:"id"`
			ReplyCount   int       `json:"replyCount"`
			URL          string    `json:"url"`
			VoteCount    int       `json:"voteCount"`
		} `json:"topic"`
		URL string `json:"url"`
	} `json:"video"`

Current represents the current deal on the front page of meh.com