
Déjà Brew - A web based coffee ordering system

Primary LanguageTypeScript

App Icon deja-brew

Déjà Brew - A web based coffee ordering system

Screenshot: My Orders page

Development (local)

Local dependencies

docker-compose -f production/local/docker-compose.yaml up

Python backend

cd backend
pipenv shell && pipenv install
cp env.example.sh env.sh
# Modify env.sh with relevant environment variables
source env.sh

Without SSL:

FLASK_APP=deja_brew flask run --reload --debugger

Access site at http://localhost:5000

With SSL Required when needing to test Google Oauth

FLASK_APP=deja_brew flask run --reload --debugger --cert adhoc

Access site at https://localhost:5000

Initialize the database

Alembic is used to manage database migration and to generate SQL code to apply to production instances.

To provision a new database simply run the following:

alembic upgrade head

To provision a remote database where you may only have an SQL console, an SQL dump can be obtained by using the --sql flag:

alembic upgrade head --sql

Generating a migration

With the local database instance running the latest version of the schema, Alembic can be used to perform a diff of the existing schema with the new one and generate a migration for you:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Add cafe table"

Ensure that the generated schema looks sane. Once you are happy it can be applied with the upgrade command:

alembic upgrade head

React frontend

cd frontend
npm start

Access "fake" (detached) mode by visiting http://localhost:3000/. Alternatively the backend will reference assets from the webpack server by default.

Deployment (production)

When a new build is pushed to master an automated build will be triggered via Docker Hub.

Deploy container

This script will deploy the container to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. It will create a new deployment for the docker container tagged with the current commit SHA

