
This was a one-shot POC, no intentions to do any updates to it at this time.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SpaServices Multi-SPA Example w/ Angular CLI

What is working:

  • Multi-SPA setup with independent Angular apps
  • Running both apps at separate paths in the .NET Core host in Development mode (proxying to Angular CLI server)
  • The same, in Production mode (running from a build in dist)
  • Live reload in Development mode
  • SSR / prerender for both apps
  • Debugging SSR on an incrementing port

What's not working:

Key points in the Angular CLI / build config for both apps:

  • baseHref is set in the ng CLI config – this ensures each app runs correctly at its intended path on the host. On angular-cli 1.7.0 it appears that ng serve will launch the app on this path as well, allowing you to run the app directly with the same pathing.
  • The apps need an npm script specifically for running in Development mode (start:hosted), to ensure proper file pathing and to change the live reload endpoint to account for the app pathing/proxying
  • Live reloading fixed via the live-reload-client argument on ng serve
  • Production build just requires npm run build sice baseHref is configured in .angular-cli.json

The real work here on the .NET side is in SpaPluginExtensions.PluginSpa.