Asking for help... the right way ⭐️

Some ideas that will help those who are looking for help in a community without looking silly 🤪

My best processes and questions to ask:

  1. Do your own research first. Google is your best friend. Seriously, use it.
  2. Find your happy medium.
    • What type of content do you intake best from and can retain?
      • Reading? Watching videos? Listening to audio?
      • Find what works best for you!
  3. Notate your process. This will be important later
    • Write down:
      • What you know
      • What you are looking for
      • Where you looked
      • How you looked for "it"
        • What was your Google search?
        • What was your prompt?
      • What did you learn (if anything) from these searches
  4. Find the proper channel or outlet to ask your question.
    • Does the channel or outlet have a safe environment to ask the question?
      • Do they encourage learning?
    • Do they have a specfic channel related to your question or topic?

Creating your ❔

  1. Look at your process you notated.
  2. Craft your question.
    • Make them concise as possible without glazing over the bullets shown above.
    • Take out filler lanugage like "I just do not know what to do" and "I was hoping..."
      • You would not be asking the question if you did not know what to do and actively looking for help...
  3. Find where to ask your question
    • This can be in whatever program you are using or have access to. i.e Discord, Slack, Teams, etc...
    • If you see fit, give your question a 'title' or 'header' to give those you are asking your queestion a quick top-down idea of what your issue is.
    • Paste your question, findings, process, and ultimately ask for help.
      • This will show your team/community you have tried to find the solution on your own and that you are capable of doing your own research.


Now you can engage with your communtiy or team to find the solution to your problem or answer to your question.

One other thing...

The answer may be a simple one. Something you overlooked. This is NOT against you. This is the whole point of asking a question, even if you feel like it's a dumb one.

This is good communication practice. You're not an idiot.

Running the script 📜

  • The script must be ran with python3.
    • Anything earlier will not function as intended.
# Please use Python3 over Python2.7
  • It's that easy :)