
Hacked together script for feeding urls into Burp's Sitemap

Primary LanguagePython


A tool for passing and adding a list of URLs to Burp's sitemap/target tab, really useful for populating the targets tab with a big list of URLs. Originally an idea that @InfoSecPS and I threw together, then I tweaked and hacked together this chaos!

The tool is written in both Python and Go, GoBurpFeed was written by Mantis while the python version has been a collaboration between ZephrFish, InfosecPS and Mantis.

BurpFeed Setup

To set this up, you'll need the following:

Chuck your target URLs or IPs in a file, can be named whatever but must have http/https prefixed at the start of line for this to work. Additionally you'll want to edit line 15 (example below), depending on what the IP of your burp proxy is. Either done via localhost or if in a Virtual Machine feed the listening address of burp (you'll need to flip the proxy interface to listening on all interfaces).

proxy = {
                "http": "http://localhost:8080",
                "https": "https://localhost:8080",

When you've got all of this setup you can refer to usage.


python bfeed.py targets.txt

To igrnore warnings you can supress them with this:

python -W ignore bfeed.py targets.txt

This will probably throw errors but alas it's a hacky tool 😉


A tool for passing and adding a list of URLs to Burp's sitemap/target tab, really useful for populating the targets tab with a big list of URLs.

GoBurpFeed Setup

To set this up, you'll need the following:

  • Burp Suite
  • Go
    • Only tested on go1.14.2

Chuck your target URLs or IPs in a file, can be named whatever but must have http/https prefixed at the start of line for this to work.

When you've got all of this setup you can refer to usage.


go build .
./BurpFeed -h
Usage of BurpFeed:               
  Turn on debug mode                            
-filename string
-proxy string
  The HTTP proxy you want to feed it through (default "")     
-threads int
  Number of concurrent jobs to run (default 10) 


The gopher was found in this repository: https://github.com/egonelbre/gophers/