This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version:
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import "./godaddy"
By default this library uses the sandbox API, if you wish to use the production API set the Configuration BasePath to
An example of the library:
var apiConfig = godaddy.NewConfiguration()
// Test
//apiConfig.BasePath = ""
// Prod
apiConfig.BasePath = ""
// Set auth
var authString = fmt.Sprintf("sso-key %s:%s", "apiKeyHere", "apiSecretHere")
apiConfig.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", authString)
var apiClient = godaddy.NewAPIClient(apiConfig)
A more complete example can be found here
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
V1Api | Available | Get /v1/domains/available | Determine whether or not the specified domain is available for purchase |
V1Api | AvailableBulk | Post /v1/domains/available | Determine whether or not the specified domains are available for purchase |
V1Api | Cancel | Delete /v1/domains/{domain} | Cancel a purchased domain |
V1Api | CancelPrivacy | Delete /v1/domains/{domain}/privacy | Submit a privacy cancellation request for the given domain |
V1Api | ContactsValidate | Post /v1/domains/contacts/validate | Validate the request body using the Domain Contact Validation Schema for specified domains. |
V1Api | Get | Get /v1/domains/{domain} | Retrieve details for the specified Domain |
V1Api | GetAgreement | Get /v1/domains/agreements | Retrieve the legal agreement(s) required to purchase the specified TLD and add-ons |
V1Api | List | Get /v1/domains | Retrieve a list of Domains for the specified Shopper |
V1Api | Purchase | Post /v1/domains/purchase | Purchase and register the specified Domain |
V1Api | PurchasePrivacy | Post /v1/domains/{domain}/privacy/purchase | Purchase privacy for a specified domain |
V1Api | RecordAdd | Patch /v1/domains/{domain}/records | Add the specified DNS Records to the specified Domain |
V1Api | RecordGet | Get /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type}/{name} | Retrieve DNS Records for the specified Domain, optionally with the specified Type and/or Name |
V1Api | RecordReplace | Put /v1/domains/{domain}/records | Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain |
V1Api | RecordReplaceType | Put /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type} | Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain with the specified Type |
V1Api | RecordReplaceTypeName | Put /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type}/{name} | Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain with the specified Type and Name |
V1Api | Renew | Post /v1/domains/{domain}/renew | Renew the specified Domain |
V1Api | Schema | Get /v1/domains/purchase/schema/{tld} | Retrieve the schema to be submitted when registering a Domain for the specified TLD |
V1Api | Suggest | Get /v1/domains/suggest | Suggest alternate Domain names based on a seed Domain, a set of keywords, or the shopper's purchase history |
V1Api | Tlds | Get /v1/domains/tlds | Retrieves a list of TLDs supported and enabled for sale |
V1Api | TransferIn | Post /v1/domains/{domain}/transfer | Purchase and start or restart transfer process |
V1Api | Update | Patch /v1/domains/{domain} | Update details for the specified Domain |
V1Api | UpdateContacts | Patch /v1/domains/{domain}/contacts | Update domain |
V1Api | Validate | Post /v1/domains/purchase/validate | Validate the request body using the Domain Purchase Schema for the specified TLD |
V1Api | VerifyEmail | Post /v1/domains/{domain}/verifyRegistrantEmail | Re-send Contact E-mail Verification for specified Domain |
- Address
- ArrayOfDnsRecord
- Consent
- Contact
- DnsRecord
- DnsRecordCreateType
- DnsRecordCreateTypeName
- Domain
- DomainAvailableBulk
- DomainAvailableBulkMixed
- DomainAvailableError
- DomainAvailableResponse
- DomainContacts
- DomainDetail
- DomainPurchase
- DomainPurchaseResponse
- DomainRenew
- DomainSuggestion
- DomainSummary
- DomainTransferIn
- DomainUpdate
- DomainsContactsBulk
- ErrorDomainContactsValidate
- ErrorField
- ErrorFieldDomainContactsValidate
- ErrorLimit
- JsonDataType
- JsonProperty
- JsonSchema
- LegalAgreement
- ModelError
- PrivacyPurchase
- RealNameValidation
- TldSummary
- VerificationDomainName
- VerificationRealName
- VerificationsDomain