Antonio's Pizza is a single scrolling page website that depicts the authentic method of baking pizza in Napoletano's original style. An old 18th-century building in the heart of Uppsala.
Users of this website will quickly and easily find the menu well sorted with ingredients and price. Visitors also get to see a glimpse of what the food looks like. You can also read a little about them. A map and contact details are also available so that visitors can find their way there on their own or call/email if they have any questions.
The live link can be found here - Antonio's pizza
- Navigation
At the top of the page, the navigation shows logo in the left corner and home, menu, about, and contact on the right.
Navigation is sticky so it's easy for the user to navigate.
On devices under 768px width, the navigation will show on the left side with a hamburger menu and the logo will go from the right and slide into the middle of the page on smaller screen devices.
In the heading, the restaurant's name and address are displayed.
It provides fast and clear information about the name and location.
On the menu, you can see what is available to order, what the ingredients are, and what the price is.
A clear division of four categories is presented
This section shows the quality of the food and the cooking process that they use.
The background image has a Parallax Scrolling effect on larger screens.
On screens with a max width of 768px, the Parallax Scrolling effect is removed.
What Customer Saying
- a section for previous customers and what they think of the restaurant.
Social Media
- Social media direct link to Facebook as well as three selected pictures of the food served.
- Helps the visitor get an insight into the quality and what to expect when visiting the restaurant
- Easily accessible and clear contact section with address, opening hours, phone number and a map for easy directions
- The footer part breaks off with the continuous orange color with quick buttons for mail and call.
I have tested the page in different browsers: Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge.
The entire project is tested with devtools device toolbar and everything works responsively, looks good and arranges itself depending on the size of the screen.
The call and email buttons work on both telephone and computer.
Tested so that parallax scrolling is turned off on screens less than 768px width.
- No errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator
No errors were found when passing through the official (Jigsaw) validator
N/A - No unfixed bugs.
- The site was deployed to GitHub pages. The steps to deploy are as follows:
- In the GitHub repository, navigate to the Settings tab
- From the source section drop-down menu, select the Master Branch
- Once the master branch has been selected, the page will be automatically refreshed with a detailed ribbon display to indicate the successful deployment.
The live link can be found here - Antonio's pizza
Hamburger menu - User: Álvaro - url:
Parallax Scrolling effect - w3schools - url:
The text and menu for the page was taken from Paesano italiano Homepage and Villa Romana homepage
The icons in the logo,social media and footer were taken from Font Awesome
The icons with a line and a star was created by myself in Canva. homepage
The code for Google maps was taken from the embedded code for Google maps.
Mockup picture in from Am I Responsive?
- The header foto from Rawpixel. homage
- The about us foto from Rawpixel. homage
- The images used for the gallery page were taken from Paesano italiano social media. (Permission from the orginal content creator). Instagram
- My mentor Mitko from Code Institute
- My stand in mentor Jubril from Code Institute
- Lane-Sawyer Thompson - Community Executive at Code Institute
- Álvaro from codepen with Hamburger menu
- Paesano Italiano for content and picture