Bookfinder project for Chingu
The brief from Chungu was to build a web application to allow users to search for books using the Google Books API. Since I'd only used APIs in JavaScript, I chose to do this in React. And once I'd started I learnt about TypeScript, so then added that in. I also used Styled Components as I was curious about CSS-in-JSS. I used Axios to fetch the data because I'd heard about it, heard that it made things easier, and wanted to try it out.
- React
- React Context
- TypeScript
- Styled Components
- Axios
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Cypress
- Cypress Testing Library
- Google Books API
- React custom hooks
- React Context
- TypeScript
- Styled Components
Allows you to search for a book by title or author, and go through the pages of books if there are more than ten.
To view this project visit the demo or download the files, open a terminal in that folder and install locally using npm:
npm install
npm start
Project is: finished
Created by nicm42 - feel free to contact me!