
A small embedable scripting language

Primary LanguageOdin

Lily, a small scripting language

⚠️ This project is still in early development ⚠️

A small scripting language somewhere between Lua and (Object)Pascal, with some inspiration from Ada.

type Entity is class
    id: number
    active: bool
    x: number
    y: number

    constructor new(_id: number, _x: number, _y: number):
        self.id = _id
        self.x = _x
        self.y = _y

    fn update():
        self.x += 1

var myEntity = Entity.new(0, 10, 25)
  • Lily is small and meant to embedded in other applications.
  • Lily is straightforward and has a small cherry picked set of features.
  • Lily support classes and Object orientation.
  • Lily is typed.


-- A variable named foo of type 'number'.
var foo: number = 10
-- The type of a variable can be infered at compile time.
var bar = false -- is of type 'bool'

-- More builtin types:
-- Strings are managed by the VM, are immutable and are dynamically allocated.
var str: string = "Hello world!"
-- Arrays are also managed by the VM and are dynamically allocated.
-- They are also growable.
var myArray = array of number[1, 4, 9]
-- Maps are associative arrays (managed and dynamically allocated).
-- As expected, inserting a new element or retrieving one is done by indexing into
-- the map with a key of the given type.
var myMap = map of (string, number)["foo" = 11, "bar" = 4]
myMap["foobar"] = 62
var mapValue = myMap["foo"]

-- Control flow:
var foobar: number
if true:
    foobar = 2
    foobar = 3

for i in 0..<10:
    foobbar = foobar + 1

match foobar:
    when 1:

    when 2:
    when 3:


-- Functions declaration and calling:
fn add(a: number, b: number): number
    result = a + b
var addResult = add(5, 10)

-- Foreign function declaration:
foreign fn sub(a: number, b: number): number

-- Class declaration:
type Vector is class
    x: number
    y: number

    constructor new():

-- Enumeration declaration:
type Foo is enum

var fooVal = Foo.Bar


  • Class fields are zero initialized
  • Function parameters are immutables
  • At the moment, every trace allocation is done via os.heap_allocator

Status and Roadmap:

Control flow:

  • If statement
  • For statement
  • Match statement
  • 'break' statement
  • 'continue' statement

Builtin types:

  • Array Type
  • Array builtin procedures
  • Map Type
  • Map builtin procedures

User defined types:

  • Functions
  • Type Alias
  • Class Types
  • Enumeration Types
  • ADTs
  • Ranges

Memory Management:

  • Extremely simple mark-and-sweep GC
  • Escape analysis and scoped allocation
  • Custom class allocator for faster instanciation

Embedding features:

  • Foreign functions declaration in Lily source code
  • Lily Function handles capture in host application
  • Safe (sortof) VM stack manipulation

Minimal standard library:

  • Print
  • String conversion (super hacky)
  • A few common math procedures

Full test suite:

  • Lexer
  • Parser :: 80%
  • Checker
  • Compiler
  • VM

Features TODO:

  • Most common assignment operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=)
  • Container iterators
  • Modules
  • Variadic function parameters
  • Nil check on ref types
  • Coroutine and builtin green threads


  • lily (Standalone compiler/interpreter)
  • lilyfmt: Functioning but very simple
    • Source code handling => On par with compiler features [07/08/2022]
    • Comment handling
    • Can disable regions
  • lilycheck

Known Bugs:

  • User defined foreign fn declaration are not supported in the standalone compiler and should be disallowed
  • Unable to compile multiple modules separately in host application
  • Fix symbol table overflow