
Tool to evaluate empirical contact network(s) of infectious disease spread

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

INoDS (Inferring Network of infectious Disease Spread)

INoDs is a tool to assess whether an empirical contact network is likely to generate an observed pattern of infectious disease spread in a host population. INoDS also provides epidemiological insights into the spreading pathogen by estimating the per-contact rate of pathogen transmission.

The details of the tool is described in

Sah, P and Bansal, S. Identifying the dynamic contact network of infectious disease spread. bioRxiv (2017): 169573.

Requirements for directly running the source code


A working Python environment for this project can be generated using the conda "environment.yml":
conda env create -f environment.yml
To activate the Python environment titled "inods":
source activate inods


A quick demo of the code is included in the examples folder. The code can be run using the command

$ python run_inods.py

Input files

edge_filename: Filename of the network edgelist. See Edge_connections_poisson.csv in the examples folder for the accepted file format.

  • Note 1: Both dynamic and static networks are accepated. For static networks, remove the "timestep" column in the edgelist file
  • Note 2: The networks can be unweighted or weighted. For unweighted networks (as shown in Edge_connections_poisson.csv), set all values in the weight column as one.

health_filename: Filename of the infection data. See Health_data_nolag.csv in the examples folder for the accepted file format. Infection states are coded as: 0 - diagnosed to be uninfected and 1 - diagnosed to be infected. Node ids in the infection data should correspond to the network edgelist, but infection data on all nodes (or all timesteps) is not required.


output_filename: Desired filename for the output files.

infection_type: Can be either "SI", "SIR" or "SIS".

truth (optional, default = None): True values of parameters, if known, are entered as a list. If unknown set the truth as a list of zeroes.

null_networks (optional, default = 500): Total number of null network. Default number of null networks is 500.

burnin (optional, default = 1000): Total burn-in perior for emcee sampler.

max_iteration (optional, default = 50,000): Maximum number of iterations after burn-in for emcee sampler. The sampler terminates at maximum iteration even if convergence is not achieved.

diagnosis_lag: (optional, default = False). Set to True when actual infection timing is unknown and the infection file reports diagnosis times instead of infection times.

verbose: (optional, default = True) Set to False to supress printing of detailed status messages.

null_comparison: (optional, default = True) Set to False to skip comparing the predictive power of empirical contact network to null networks.

edge_weights_to_binary: (optional, default = False) Set to True to remove edge-weights from the empircal network, and assign all edges with edge-weight of one.

normalize_edge_weight: (optional, default = False) Set to True to normalize edge-weights of the empircal network by dividing all edge-weights with the maximum edge-weight.

is_network_dynamic: (optional, default = True) Set to False if the empirical network is static.

parameter_estimate: (optional, default = True) Set to False to skip the the estimation of unknown parameters.

compare_asocial_social_force: (optional, default = True) Set to False to skip comparisons of "social" vs. "asocial" force of infection given the empircal contact network.


The tools outputs the following files

  • Convergence diagnostics: Average autocorrelation time (in blue) is plotted as a function of chain length. Convergence is assumed to be achieved when the chain length (N) is longer than 100 times the estimated autocorrelation time. The N>100xautocorrelation time threshold is plotted as a dashed line.
  • Parameter estimation: Three files are generated for this step. (i) Summary of parameter estimates and BIC of the contact network, (ii) Posterior plot of β and epsilon parameter, (iii) A plot of walker positions for β parameter and β posterior.
  • Null comparison: At this step two files are generated - a .csv file with the likelihood of disease data under the assumption that the disease spreads through the contact network (first row) and likelihoods for null networks (second to last row). A figure summarizing the results is also generated.


Copyright 2017 Pratha Sah and Shweta Bansal.

INoDS is free software made available under the MIT License. For details see the LICENSE file.