
Image of the initial and login page of the project

A web application to navigate around the best playlists in Spotify while wait for your order in Ifood. Where you can browse which playlists are hot in any time or navigate through different countries and languages.


Those are the technologies used in this project.

  1. React.js
  2. NextJS
  3. Styled Components
  4. Axios
  5. Eslint
  6. JS Cookie
  7. Date-fns
  8. React Datepicker
  9. Husky
  10. Lint-staged
  11. Prettier

How to run the project

To run the project on your machine follow the steps below:

  1. Open the terminal in your machine and clone the repository using git clone or download it
  2. Go to the main folder and install all the dependencies necessary for the project to run with yarn or npm install
  3. Now type yarn dev or npm start to run the project
  4. The application will run in http://localhost:3000 and enjoy it 🚀


The project its also alive in production, just access the website link: Spotifood