
A lightweight yet powerful modal window jQuery plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery.openModal (Version 1.0)

Is a free and opensource modal window jQuery plugin.


Include script after the jQuery library:

<script src="jquery.openmodal.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


To open the modal window simply use

var opnMdl = $.openModal({ html: 'your html code' });


All options are passed trough a json object to the openModal function.

url: null

The url where the modal window can get its content.

html: null

If no URL is provided, this parameter is used to provide the HTML code to show inside the modal window.

img: null

If no URL and HTML code are provided, this parameter is used to retrieve an image to show into the modal window.

width: 400

The width of the window in case the url or html parameters are used. The height is calculated automatically.

locked: false

If true, the window can't be closed by the user if the buttons are not shown. Clicking on the background does nothing.

buttonOk: true

True to show the modal window's "Ok" button.

buttonCancel: false

True to show the modal window's "Cancel" button.

cssId: "openmodal"

The CSS id of the modal window's DOM object. All the ids used in the modal window are based on this parameters. If the cssId parameter is, in example, "openmodal":

  • the id of modal window's background DOM object is openmodal_background.
  • the id of modal window's content DOM object is openmodal_content.
  • the id of modal window's buttons DOM object is openmodal_buttons.

In case you decide to use a different id than the default, you must change the CSS selectors in src/openmodal.css to match your id.

loaderUrl: ajax-loader.gif

The image shown while Ajax is loading the window's content.

l10n: { lang_ok: "Ok", lang_cancel: "Cancel" }

The localizations for both the buttons.

duration: 250

Defines the duration of the fadeIn and fadeOut effects of the modal window.

onLoad: function ( openModal ) { }

The onLoad callback function. It is called after the modal window has loaded its content. The OpenModal window jQuery object is passed as parameter.

onSuccess: function ( openModal ) { }

This callback is executed when the user presses the "Ok" button. If it returns false, the modal window is not closed.

onCancel: function ( openModal ) { }

This callback is executed when the user presses the "Cancel" button. If it returns false, the modal window is not closed.

onError: function ( openModal ) { }

This callback is executed when the URL parameter encounters an error during the Ajax loading.

onClose: function ( openModal ) { }

This callback is executed when the modal window is being closed, after the onSuccess and onCancel callbacks.

Public Methods

OpenModal.buttonOkText( value )

Changes the text of the "Ok" button when the OpenModal window is already shown. This is useful if you want to change button's text and give a feedback to the user (like when you're saving some data via Ajax).

OpenModal.buttonCancelText( value )

Changes the text of the "Cancel" button when the OpenModal window is already shown.


Returns the modal window's DOM object.


Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.


This project is released under both GNU GPL V2 and MIT licences.


Claudio Gabriele Nicolotti