
This project contains two endpoints built in Flask (a lightweight WSGI web application framework). Its goal is to allow to add a task (Linux command) and get the result of its execution. The POST endpoint /new_task must receive a json request with this syntax {"cmd": "dir"}, and will return a json response with the created task with this syntax {"id": "1"} The GET endpoint /get_output/<id> must receive a task_id in the URL and will return a json response with the executed command and its output with this syntax: {"cmd": "dir", "output": "..."}.

The docker-compose file contains the API container and a Mongo database container.


  • Setup docker containers
  1. Configure .env file if necessary

  2. Start up containers: $ docker-compose up -d


For testing endpoints in a simple way, we are going to use curl command.

Please replace "PORT" below with the binded port on the docker-compose file and "COMMAND" with a valid linux command, as an example: "ls -l".

  1. Create task: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"cmd": <COMMAND>}' http://localhost:<PORT>/new_task
  2. The endpoint above will return the "ID" of the created task.
  3. Retrieve a command output using (for example): curl http://localhost:<PORT>/get_output/<ID>
  4. Finally, you will get the command and the result of the execution of it.