
Starter pack for the Rasa Stack

Primary LanguagePython

Starter Pack for Rasa Stack

This starter pack helps you build a bot faster with Rasa Stack. Apart from a basic file and folder structure, it gives you some initial training data. Clone this repo and start building your bot.

For more information on the Rasa Stack, please visit the docs here:


To install the necessary requirements, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To train the NLU model, run make train-nlu

To train the Core model, run make train-core

To run the bot on the command line run make cmdline

What now?

To continue developing your bot, you can start by adding some NLU data for intents/entities relevant to your use case. These then need to be added to your domain file. From there you can add more utterances for the bot, or custom actions you've written in actions.py and then write stories using these.