- 0
tailwind config on kiramase-tutorail
#220 opened by itachouille - 0
Support for NextJS 15
#219 opened by jeremyrx7 - 0
Deno 2.0 support
#218 opened by naquiroz - 1
[Feature Request] Better Auth
#216 opened by koohz - 0
Turso not working in current version
#217 opened by NoelHuibers - 1
- 1
[Feature Request] File Storage support
#154 opened by knajjars - 0
zod Schemas are smached by dg:generate.
#215 opened by Ricardosgeral - 5
shadcn-ui: command not found
#214 opened by doomedramen - 3
Getting "NodeAPIQueryEngineLibrary.dmmf is not a function" when npm run db:generate
#209 opened by RicSala - 0
[Bug] Missing db:push script
#212 opened by ramadanomar - 0
[Feature Request] Auto Form with Zod
#211 opened by maclong9 - 2
- 0
Missing Pool import
#207 opened by gdrxn - 4
[Feature Request] Add example of generated code
#201 opened by DawidWraga - 1
Dependency issue lucia
#206 opened by gdrxn - 0
[Bug] Init fail on existing project with prisma schema in multiple files (from Prisma 5.15.0)
#204 opened by marmotz - 0
- 3
kirimase init logs a dependecy conflict
#200 opened by deelanMaha - 1
- 3
Conflicting peer dependency drizzle
#198 opened by Frazic - 1
Middleware bug using clerk auth
#190 opened by olivebishop - 4
NPM - packages not installed / because drizzle fails to without --legacy-peer-deps
#193 opened by lexstefan - 1
- 1
Would need to update Drizzle DB generate command
#197 opened by shafinshaikh - 1
[Question] Validation when doing partial updates?
#180 opened by trevorpfiz - 1
- 2
- 0
Lucia auth bug
#189 opened by olivebishop - 0
- 0
Init error if opt out Shadcn
#182 opened by ralvs - 0
[Feature Request] [Enhancement]: Update dashboard to use new shadcn Blocks
#181 opened by gaurangrshah - 0
[Feature Request]
#179 opened by codewithnathan - 2
[Feature Request] Zenstack
#174 opened by andrictham - 1
- 0
[Feature Request] UI alternatives
#176 opened by jeffscottward - 1
[Feature Request] Lemonsqueezy
#173 opened by andrictham - 0
- 0
Typo in tutorial
#171 opened by misterbastean - 0
- 1
Hydration Mismacth from NextThemesProvider: Warning Extra attributes form the server: class, style...
#168 opened by gaurangrshah - 0
[Feature Request]: consider changing zod-prisma to zod-prisma-types and others
#167 opened by danieltan007 - 0
.env is not included in gitignore file
#166 opened by alexofob - 0
Rename Dashboard Route
#165 opened by gaurangrshah - 0
Zod-prisma dependancy conflict
#161 opened by VictorSeverin - 1
- 0
- 2
- 0
[Feature Request] Enable drizzle queries rather than exclusively leveraging SQL API
#152 opened by afogel - 1
Email verification, password reset
#151 opened by paulks-software