
Reporter html for mocha, cypress. Merge mochawesome files and generate report. Report file is html (without any javascript and external link)

Primary LanguagePugMIT LicenseMIT


Mocha Reporter

Merge several Mochawesome JSON reports and generate html report like Mochawesome-report-generator but little bit different. No js and no external links


  • Summary tab with graph, informations and failed tests list
  • Details tab with all tests
  • Test informations status and duration
  • Test code for each step
  • Test screenshot if failed


via npm:

$ npm install mocha-reporter --save-dev

Writing tests

In order to obtain the correct number of scenarios, it is best to write the tests like this:

describe('My scenario. Use describe or context', () => {
  it('My first test, or step', () => {
  it('My second test', () => {

You can write 1 scenario per file, or several scenarios per file.


JavaScript API

const { merge } = require('mocha-reporter')

// See Params section below
const options = {
  files: [

    // you can specify more files or globs if necessary:
    browser: {
      name: 'electron',
      version: '87'
    device: {
      name: 'iphone 12',
      version: '14.4'
    platform: {
      name: 'Windows',
      version: '10'
  customData: {
    title: 'My application',
    data: [
      {label: 'Project', value: 'My project v1'},
      {label: 'Release', value: '2021.2'},



$ npx mocha-reporter -f ./report/*.json -r report/mocha-reporter

You can specify as many paths as you wish:

$ npx mocha-reporter -f ./report/*.json ./mochawesome-report/*.json r report/mocha-reporter


  • files: list of source report file paths. Can include glob patterns.
  • Aliases: -f | --files or first positional argument
  • Defaults to ["./mochawesome-report/mochawesome*.json"].

  • reportDir: a file path to the bundled results. Should be a json file
  • Aliases: -r | --reportDir
  • Defaults to stdout.


The motivation to create this custom report is tu use mochawesome together with Cypress and to bypass some technical constraints.

Since the version 3.0.0, Cypress runs every spec separately, which leads to generating multiple mochawesome reports, one for each spec. mocha-reporter can be used to merge these reports and then generate one HTML report for all your cypress tests.

First, configure cypress.json:

  // use mochawesome reporter as usually
  "reporter": "mocha-reporter",
  "reporterOptions": {
    // path to generate report.json and report.html
    "reportDir": "mocha/mochareports/",
    "browser": {
      "name": "electron",
      "version": "87"
    "device": {
      "name": "iphone 12",
      "version": "14.4"
    "platform": {
      "name": "Windows",
      "version": "10"
  "customData": {
    "title": "My application",
    "data": [
      {"label": "Project", "value": "My project v1"},
      {"label": "Release", "value": "2021.2"}

Then, write your custom script to run cypress together with mocha-reporter:

const cypress = require('cypress')
const { merge } = require('mocha-reporter')

You can add cypress.json file to constant :
const { reporterOptions } = require('./cypress.json')

or add reporterOptions constant :
const reporterOptions = {
  "reportDir": "mocha/mochareports/",
  "customData": {}

  () => {
  error => {

function generateReport(reporterOptions) {
  return merge(reporterOptions)