
:warning: This repository is being replaced with docker/build-push-action@v2 https://github.com/docker/github-actions and will be deprecated in the future

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The core code base for Docker's GitHub Actions (https://github.com/features/actions). This code is used to build the docker/github-actions image that provides the functionality used by the published Docker GitHub Action:

github-actions runs a command line tool that shells out to docker to perform the various functions. Parameters are supplied to github-actions using environment variables in the form described by the GitHub Actions documentation. github-actions uses some of the default GitHub Actions environment variables as described in the individual commands section.


Commands can be called using docker run docker/github-actions {command}


Does a docker login using the supplied username and password. Will default to Docker Hub but can be supplied a server address to login to a third-party registry as required.


Environment Variable Required Description
INPUT_USERNAME yes Username to login with
INPUT_PASSWORD yes Password to login with
INPUT_REGISTRY no Registry server to login to. Defaults to Docker Hub


Builds and tags a docker image.


Environment Variable Required Description
INPUT_PATH yes Path to build from
INPUT_DOCKERFILE no Path to Dockerfile
INPUT_ADD_GIT_LABELS no Adds git labels (see below)
INPUT_TARGET no Target build stage to build
INPUT_BUILD_ARGS no Comma-delimited list of build-args
INPUT_LABELS no Comma-delimited list of labels
INPUT_CACHE_FROMS no Comma-delimited list of cache-froms

See the tagging section for information on tag inputs

Git labels

When INPUT_ADD_GIT_LABELS is true labels are automatically added to the image that contain data about the current state of the git repo based on the standards set out in https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/master/annotations.md.

3 labels are supported:

Label Description
org.opencontainers.image.created Date and time on which the image was built (string, date-time as defined by RFC 3339).
org.opencontainers.image.source URL to this repository. E.g. https://github.com/myorg/myrepository
org.opencontainers.image.revision The full git sha of this commit.


Pushes a docker image.


See the tagging section for information on tag inputs


Builds, logs in, and pushes a docker image.


Same as the login and build commands with the addition of

Environment Variable Required Description
INPUT_PUSH no Will push the image if true


Tagging of images can be set manually, left to github-actions to automate, or a combination of the both.

There are 4 input variables used for tagging

Environment Variable Required Description
INPUT_REGISTRY no Registry server to tag with
INPUT_REPOSITORY yes Repository to tag with
INPUT_TAGS no Hard coded comma-delimited list of tags
INPUT_TAG_WITH_REF no If true then github-actions will add tags depending on the git ref automatically as described below
INPUT_TAG_WITH_SHA no If true then github-actions will add a tag in the form sha-{git-short-sha}

If INPUT_REGISTRY is set then all tags are prefixed with {INPUT_REGISTRY}/{INPUT_REPOSITORY}:. If not then all tags are prefixed with {INPUT_REPOSITORY}:

Auto tags depend on the git reference that the run is associated with. The reference is passed to github-actions using the GitHub actions GITHUB_REF enviroment variable.

If the reference is refs/heads/{branch-name} then the tag {branch-name} is added. For the master branch the {branch-name} is replaced with latest.

If the reference is refs/pull/{pr} then the tag pr-{pr} is added.

If the reference is refs/tags/{tag-name} then the tag {tag-name} is added.

Any / in the auto tags are replaced with -.

For example if the environment variables are as follows:

Variable Value
INPUT_REPOSITORY myorg/myimage
INPUT_TAGS foo,bar
GITHUB_REF refs/tags/v0.1

Then the image will be tagged with:


If the variables are as follows:

Variable Value
INPUT_REPOSITORY myorg/myimage
INPUT_TAGS foo,bar
GITHUB_REF refs/heads/master
GITHUB_SHA c6df8c68eb71799f9c9ab4a4a4650d6aabd7e415

Then the image will be tagged with:


Building github-actions

The code is written in Go v1.13 with go mod. It can be built locally using the Makefile or in docker using the docker.Makefile.

make -f docker.Makefile will build the code, check the linting using golangci-lint, run the go tests, and build the image with a tag of docker/github-actions:latest

make -f docker.Makefile image will build the github-actions image without a tag and without running test or lint checking

make -f docker.Makefile cli will build the cli and copy it to ./bin/github-actions

make -f docker.Makefile test will run the unit and e2e tests