
A Python program using selenium to tag your friends in Facebook comments infinitely. Shotgun successes guaranteed :)

Primary LanguagePython


This script has been made for educational purposes ONLY. It is illegal to automate interaction with the Facebook website, and the author shall not be held liable for any such actions.

Facebook Tagging Automation

A little Python program using selenium. Enables tagging multiple persons on a comment in Facebook.


  • Tag multiple people
  • Ability to exclude those who have already seen the post
  • Fuzzy matching of names


  • Only matches names, so the script cannot differentiate between people with same names

How it works

  1. Edit the contents of config.toml according to your needs.
  2. Add the names to tag in data/names.txt and the ones to exclude in data/exclude.txt.
  3. You may need to force disable website notifications in Firefox.
  4. Run pipenv install to setup the virtualenv.
  5. Ensure that the geckodriver is in system PATH, it is required by selenium.
  6. To start the script, run pipenv run python auto-tag.py.