- 4
Failed to access to single-bit field
#17 opened by arturvasilev - 5
Toggle-only access policy support?
#14 opened by stephenwhittle - 1
Copy/paste error in register pack example
#16 opened by billybednar - 0
- 16
- 1
- 3
Finalize RegisterPack implementation
#12 opened by sendyne-nicocvn - 16
Add grouping registers together, like how CMSIS maps a struct of types to a base address
#7 opened by hak8or - 0
- 11
Writes to read_write fields which fill the size of the register still create a read
#6 opened by hak8or - 2
- 4
- 5
Fails to compile for PowerPC GCC 4.8.5
#2 opened by hak8or - 1
Include link to github page in description
#3 opened by hak8or