A back end server operate with official Minecraft server that makes the gameplay experience better.
Because of missoperate, I deleted the source code of its frontend.You could check it out on this site(Login in with test account ID:sb123,PWD:sb123456). NEVERMIND, THE DEMO IS DEAD.
- Basic authentication(not operate with mc server yet).
- Grab online player list.
This app majorly provide balanced teleport functions to ordinary players.
- Set/Tp to a specific "Home" position.
- Set/Tp to 2 specific save positions.
- Tp to the spawn point(you need to set it first).
- Tp to a online player.
- Tp to the setted World Translation Points.
Install the dependencies
pip install Flask, Flask-RESTful, Flask-SQLAlchemy
Optional dependencies
pip install Flask-Cors, Flask-Docs, Flask-Migrate, Flask-Script
run the server with development server
python app.py