
NTP Server running in a Docker container

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

About this container

Docker Build Status Docker Pulls [Apache licensed]

This container runs OpenNTPD on Alpine Linux. More about NTP can be found at:


Using Docker-compose

Download the docker-compose.yml from this repository and place it in a clean directory.

Running Docker-ntp as a service in the background:

$> docker-compose up -d

Manually pull the image from Docker hub (for example, to update to a newer version):

$> docker-compose pull

Build the image locally (useful to test changes to the Dockerfile):

$> docker-compose build

Check and edit the content of docker-compose.yml to load your own ntpd.conf config file.

Running manually without Docker-compose

Pull and run -- it's this simple.

# Pull from docker hub
$> docker pull nicoinn/docker-ntp

# Run docker-ntp
$> docker run --name=ntp             \
              --restart=always       \
              --detach=true          \
              --publish=123:123/udp  \
              --cap-add=SYS_RESOURCE \
              --cap-add=SYS_TIME     \

Load your own NTP config file into the container


-v /path/to/folder/containing/my_config_file:/data

to the command above.

Note that this way, one can also save the NTP drift file accross container restarts by adding

driftfile /data/drift

into your ntpd.conf file.

Test NTP

From any machine that has ntpdate you can query your new NTP container with the follow command:

$> ntpdate -q <DOCKER_HOST_IP>

Here is a sample output from my environment:

$> ntpdate -q
server, stratum 3, offset 0.010089, delay 0.02585
17 Sep 15:20:52 ntpdate[14186]: adjust time server offset 0.010089 sec

If you see a message, like the following, it's likely the clock is not yet synchronized.

$> ntpdate -q
server, stratum 16, offset 0.005689, delay 0.02837
11 Dec 09:47:53 ntpdate[26030]: no server suitable for synchronization found

To see details on the ntpd status, you can check with the below command on your docker host:

$> docker exec docker-ntp ntpctl -s status
4/4 peers valid, clock synced, stratum 2