
Live-form validation for Javascript forms

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Valideight.js - A real-time form validator for the web



Valideight.js provides a real-time form validator for your web page forms.
Full of features, it allows you to specify up to the slightest detail and restriction in any <input/> field.


In addition, Valideight.js comes with a back-end form validator, the PHP class Valideight.php, that accepts the same parameters as the JS and returns whether the field is valid or not in accordance with the client-side validation.
This is strongly recommended for delicated registration forms (and similar), since the front-end validation rules can easily be overpassed by an experienced programmer or web user.


Initialize the Valideightor


Include the JS and CSS (optional) files, preferably each of them the last:

<script src="path/to/valideight.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Optional but recommended -->
<link  href="path/to/valideight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

Now, to automatically initialize valideight on a form simply add a data-valideight attribute to it:

<form data-valideight="">
    <!-- Your inputs go here -->

On document ready the class .valideightor is added to the form and the data-valideight attribute is removed.


Its initialization is automatically called after DOM Ready, accepting parameters by default. Those must be set under the global variable var = valideightGlobals from any script or can also be set directly from the /* GLOBALS */ section inside the valideight.js file (at the top).

$(document).ready(function() {

The global settings valideightGlobals object can contain the following parameters (though none is mandatory):

valideightGlobals = {
    wrongField : "Please enter a valid value", // default validator message in case data-error is not specified
    successCallback: function() {},            // triggered when validation is OK
    errorCallback: function() {},              // triggered when submitted with wrong fields
    onValideightReady: function() {},          // triggered after valideight.js is ready
    minPassLength: 4,                          // minimum password length for password inputs
    bootstrap: false                           // if using bootstrap, set it to true for a fully-native validator

If any of those parameters is specified, it will be overwritten.

Note: successCallback and errorCallback are very interesting functions. If you have a custom function postComment() that handles an AJAX form post, calling postComment() after the form has been submitted only if the form is valid is as easy as successCallback: postComment; Equally easy, you can have a fallback function for wrong submissions, like an alert box or similar.

Note2: You can also initialize valideight manually, by calling, after document ready:

$("#myForm").valideight(options) // #myForm does NOT have the attribute data-valideight

Nesting structure

It is also required to nest each input inside a container with class .valideight-box

<form data-valideight="">
    <div class="valideight-box">
        <input type="text" .... />
    <div class="valideight-box">
        <textarea .... ></textarea>

Note: Good news! In bootstrap, the div.valideight-box coincides with the div.form-group.

If you want to trigger a form after $(document).ready(), you must call it manually:


Restart the form and unpaint the fields

An invalid input field remains invalid until it is corrected.
This may seem obvious, but in the case of form recycling (using the same form for, for example, editing different comments in a popover) it may happen that, if the popover was closed while having wrong fields, when opened again they may still with the .has-error classes.
To remove this, just restart the form with JavaScript:

$("#myRecycledForm").valideight({callback: 'restart'});    

Live validation

Whenever an input contains invalid data, the class .has-error is added to the parent of the input (the container valideight-box) and when the input blurs (i.e. loses focus) the class .has-error-message is added too.
(Notice that .has-error-message only gets appended when the input loses focus).
Both classes are automatically remove when the input regains valid input data (i.e. when it's valid again).

Using CSS (and hence the importance of the valideight.css styes file), the input (or textarea) gets a red border (indicating error) when .has-error gets appended and an error message shows when .has-error-message is added. Use your own CSS rules to do wonderful things.

On the contrary, if a user has interacted with a field and such field is now valid, the class .has-success will be added to the input parent .valideight-box. No custom CSS rules are set, but you can set your own, like painting the field green.

Needless to say for those of you familiarized with Twitter Bootstrap, Valideight.js works beautifully with it, since the error classes are completely the same. For an optimum TB performance, add the valideight.css stylesheet and set bootstrap = true in the global options configuration variable valideightGlobals.

Input customization

Valideight.js is populated with a wide range of features (available through attributes) that allow you to customize the behaviour (e.g. valid-invalid inputs).
Some attributes are generic (i.e. data-minlength) and some of them are specific (i.e. data-datetype).

The generic ones are the following:

  • required: The default required attribute specifies whether it must be filled to be valid or no. In addition to use it for required fields (such as email or password) it is very useful for other inputs (such as the required checkbox for Terms and conditions, for example).

  • type: The HTML-valid types are:

    • text
    • email
    • password
    • checkbox
    • radio
    • file
      Input type submit is useless for the form validator, and other types (such as number or range) are not recommended, since they may be unreadable from IE. As a workaround, the data-type attribute exists.
  • data-type: This attribute overwrites the validation type set by the type attribute (overwrites only the validation, not the behaviour of the field). In addition to the types specified before (which can be used here, though most of the time there is no point in it), some additional types exist:

    • number: Supported by modern browsers (Chrome even adds an up-down selector), this data-type will only allow numbers. I personally do not like the native and prefer to set type='text' data-type='number'
    • date: This type allows only a date format, being US (YYYY-MM-DD) by default. You can specify European (DD-MM-YYYY) by adding the data-datetype="EU" attribute to the field.
    • url: With this attribute specified, the field will only be valid if a valid URL is specified (http, https are optional). Both www.example.com and http://www.example.com/index.html?foo=bar are valid.
    • decimal: This attribute allows only decimal numbers of the form "123.45", "0.1234567" or "98765".
  • data-minlength: The minimum length of the field. Useful for passwords, names, texts... Setting it to 0 equals to setting the field as required.

  • data-check: In the case of passwords, a "confirm password" field might be needed. To solve this, add an ID (e.g. #password) to the password field and a data-check="password" to the "confirm password" input

  • data-datetype: As specified in the data-type attribute, this works in conjunction to data-type="date", and specifies the desired format for the date. It can be US (default, DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY) or EU (YYYY-MM-DD, the natural one for comparing dates).

  • data-regex:If specified, it will overwrite the valideight.js pre-set RegEx (such as those for email, number, ...). Extremely powerful for custom rules (like a password with required numbers, a specific type of username...). Should be used with type="text" or type="password" for optimum performance.
    Note: From versions 1.4 and up, the password regex A-Z a-z 0-9 @?!#._-+ is applied by default. Use data-regex="none" to disable it.

Custom error messages

To set a custom error message, add it to the input as a `data-error` attribute. Dynamically on load, a sibling is added to each of the inputs containing such message and it will be shown when a `.has-error` input loses focus.

This parameter is required, so if you want an input field without any error message, set data-error="none" or data-error="false".
If data-error were not specified, a default "Please enter a valid value" text would be added. This default text can be modified from the global configurations in the valideight.js file, and can be overwritten by setting wrongField : "Hey! Wrong!" in the options.

Prevent validation for specific inputs

It might be desired not to validate some input fields *even if* they belong to a `form.valideight` form. To do so, add the attribute `data-novalideight` to a field or even to a container of many fields.

Moreover, if inside that container of non-validated fields it is desired to validate a particular one, simply add the attribute data-forcevalideight and, even if a parent or itself contains the novalideight data attribute, it will flow throught the Valideight.js validation rules.

Submit the form!

When submitting the form (let's say #myForm), two different scenarios are possible:

  • AJAX form submission without $("#myForm").on('submit', ...) event triggered:
    In this case, prior to the AJAX call a validation is needed.
    To do so, validate the form object
    if (valideight($("#myForm"))) {
        // valid form!
        // do your ajax stuff here:
           ... ...
    } else {
        // invalid form! The wrong fields will be automatically highlighted
  • HTML form submission (i.e. reloading the page). If successCallback : false in the global options object, the form will be submitted if it is valid, and the page will be reloaded/redirected; if it's not valid, errorCallback will be triggered. As easy as that.