This plugin will add custom twitter cms elements to your shopware 6 store.
All possible twitter elements you can see at
- Twitter Timelines
- For profiles ✅
- For collections ✅
- For lists ✅
- For profile likes ✅
- Twitter Buttons
- Share ✅
- Follow ✅
- Mention ✅
- Hashtag ✅
- Message ✅
- Twitter tweet as quote 🚧
- Twitter moment 🚧
Legend: Implemented ✅, Under construction 🚧
- Shopware 6.1. at least
- PHP 7.2 at least
Require the module via composer
composer require "flagbit/plugin-twitter" "v0.0.3"
Check if the plugin is known by shopware
bin/console plugin:refresh && bin/console plugin:list
If the plugin is known, install and activate the plugin
bin/console plugin:install --activate --clearCache PluginTwitter
Build a new fresh administration with all the updated js
php psh.phar administration:build