In this repository I keep the current state of development of my Profiles system written in Vue 3 and Express.js. I have a heap of documentation available for the code in this repository. You may be interested in the...
- Issues if you want to request a feature or to report a bug.
- Discussions if you need help from the community or if you want to share your experience with others. 💓
- Wiki if you quickly need guides for this project.
- Code of Conduct before you start to work in this community.
- Contributing Guidelines if you intend to contribute to this project yourself.
- Features
- Planned Features
- Development status
- Known critical bugs
- Credits and often used dependencies
- Installation
- Discord
- License
- [!] Currently still in the planning phase
- Registration, Log In, Forget password and Profile deletion
- Secured Profile management (2FA)
- User Profiles
- Self-written style in pure CSS
- Currently there are no known critical bugs, if you found a critical bug check out the Security Policy to find more information how you can help to make this project safer for everyone.
- Vue.js is used to build the Website. (FrontEnd)
- Express.js is used to build the Server. (BackEnd)
Install GitHub Desktop, click on the green "Code" button in this project on top of the file viewer. Click on the Open with GitHub Desktop button. Then set a file path where you would like to have saved the project. Then the GitHub desktop program suggests the options "Open in Visual Studio Code" and "Show in Explorer". Select the options that suit you and open the project with your favorite code editor. Then you simply open the terminal and carry out the NPM commands of your choice. Here are some examples:
cd website
cd server
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test:unit
This project is subject to the Apache-2.0 license.