
This aims to be a fairly minimal example of frontend code implementation differences between browsers

Primary LanguageHTML

Browser dependent examples

Browser fieldset_disabled
Chrome Even though the fieldset is disabled, it will will bubble up events to the form
Firefox Events won't 'get past' the fieldset
??? ???

Fieldset disable behavior

How to reproduce

Download fieldset-disabled.html and open with a browser of your choice. Click the elements and see if an alert() is emitted or nothing happens

Difference explained

Quoting the HTML spec: "[in a fieldset], disabled causes all the form control descendants of the fieldset element, excluding those that are descendants of the fieldset element's first legend element child, if any, to be disabled"

Q: What does it mean for a form control to be disabled?

A: a form control that is disabled must prevent any click events that are queued on the user interaction task source from being dispatched on the element

Q: And what exactly are form control elements?

A: according to MDN web docs, there are many native form controls plus some others, but an anchor a isn't one. A label, on the other hand, is a form control


It seems some browsers stop propagation of all mouse events from firing, while others only block some elements' events. IMO the latter is correct, because if an element is not a form control, then its events should bubble up to parent as usual