
Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Ninety-Nine Lisp Problems

I always wanted to get into functional programming and in the end i decided to go with Lisp, no particular reason other that I both like lists and code which is hard to read.

So after reading some tutorials about the quirks of functional programming, I searched for something more practical and stumbled upon the 99 Lisp Problems. I liked that idea and got to work!

I decided to solve these problems with these constraints:

  • Only use the 7 primitive operators (quote, atom, eq, car, cdr, cons, cond), with the excpetion of equal, random, and the various function used in tests. This is not beacuse I am some kind of crazy purist but beacuse a rigid instruction set forces me to think in functional mode.
  • Solve them using my solution. There are multiple ways to solve these problems, most of them will be better than mine I am sure. But because I'm doing this to learn functional programming, I'm not going to bother implementing the most performant solution, but instead compare that with mine and learn from it.

If you are looking for the original 99 lisp problems which I followed, you can find them here.