League-of-OOP --- Nitu Nicolae Iulian

League of OOP is a mini-project that tries to implement a virtual Role-Playing-Game, based on object oriented programming. Base logic is simple: N heroes are supposed to move and fight each other on a 2-dimensional matrix map. Every hero has exactly 2 abilities to use in each fight he's participating in and his effects depends on the opponent race (Pyromancer, Knight, Wizard, Rogue) as long as the matrix cell type (Land, Volcanic, Desert, Woods). Aditionally, these heroes are helped or tangled by some new characters, named angels. The 10 angel species (DamageAngel, DarkAngel, Dracula, GoodBoy, LevelUpAngel, LifeGiver, SmallAngel, Spawner, TheDoomer, XPAngel) have special abilities and can modify heroes stats.

To implement this, I needed the following 3 main classes:

  • Hero abstract class (implements IHero) to store heroes stats and to implement damage take logic (hero move was too trivial so I implemented directly in game logic class);

  • GameMap class which contains fields matrix, used for returning heroes type cell;

  • Angel abstract class (implements IAngel) to store angels stats and implement the interaction between them and heroes;

    Hero abstract class is the "root" for the 4 types of hero, each created using HeroFactory (factory pattern) to separate creation logic from the rest of the program (the same thing applies to AngelFactory). Coords class is used to store and return heroes' immediate coordinates (line and column in game map). IHero interface contains only takeDamage method which is overriden in heroType classes while IAngel interface contains only visitHero method, implemented in every angelType class.

To separate the hero attack methods from the rest of the class and to avoid using instanceof operator, I created a visitor implementation based on the 8 player's abilities: Fireblast, Ignite, Execute, Slam, Drain, Deflect, Backstab, Paralysis. Aditionally, to implement all interactions between angels and players without overfilling heroes classes, the double dispatch visitor is essential. Following rows contains the visitor skeleton:

For heroes

  • IHeroDamage interface (the "root" for the 8 abilities) declares 4 void launchAttack functions which takes a heroType opponent as parameter (4 in total) and depending on it's race the program knows which race modifier to apply;
  • launchAttack function are overriden in the 8 ability classes;
  • The 4 heroTypes classes override takeDamage method, taking the 2 opponent abilities as parameters and leting them applying main method launchAttack on them;
  • after that the total damage to take is calculated and can be subsituted from hero hp;
  • launchAttack calculates also the damage to take without race modifiers that is used in Wizard deflect.

For angels

  • every angel derived from IAngel has 4 methods to override, one for every hero race (visitHero);
  • all 4 heroes have implemented acceptAngel method in which they interact with the special characters.

Every hero has the chance to learn from previous mistakes and change his actual strategy with another one, more offensive or deffensive, depending on situation. The strategies are represented by a total of 8 classes (attack and deffence for every 4 heroes) that extends the base one Strategy. Stats that are modified once with changing the strategy are current HP and race modifiers.

In addition to final leaderboard, I printed some periodical stats in game based on actions that happen during it(eg. heroes deaths, angels spawn etc.). For this, I implemented a visitor pattern from the following structure:

  • Observer abstract class which has the main purpose to observe acitons during the game and to update stats to finally print them;
  • Subject class that is the base for all observable subjects in program -- everyone has an observers list to notify them when something important happened;
  • BigBoss is the main observer in game and he is my The Greatest Magiciac character;
  • GameLogic, Hero (with its derivates) and Angel (with its derivates) represents the subject instances and from time to time they notify BigBoss about the game stats.

The input is read from a given file (to main argv[ ]) with the help of a buffered reader. A buffered writer is used to print the heroes board in a given file too. GameLogic class has the main purpose to run all rounds. The events order during one round is:
1) parsing the input which contains heroes moving directions
2) apply overtime damage from previous rounds if it's still valid
3) change heroes strategies if they need to
4) moving all the heroes if possible
5) let players (that are on the same cell) fight
6) let angels come and help/hit other players
7) go to the next round.

Some special notes:

  • I could save the whole input from file including the players moving directions and not reading them in GameLogic class but that would have cost me some extra memory for storing the lines (in a Collection for example) and some extra running time because the input would be firstly stored and then executed, instead of being executed instantly.
  • To check if 2 (alive) players are in the same cell I could go through the game map, but that would mean I could meet some cells that have more than 2 (alive or dead) heroes in them and the checking for finding the 2 alive ones (if they exist) would have been more complicated. Instead of this, I choosed to iterate through heroes list and to compare 2 by 2 if both are alive and in the same cell.
  • Instead of making 8 strategy classes I could create only one and give it specific parameters for every hero (new hp and modifiers) but that would mean even more information in Hero derivates --- because of that I choosed to repeat some code to separate that information from heroes.
  • the "periodical prints" are not printed immediately, but stored into a StringBuilder in Observer class to avoid repeat the try-catch code from BufferedWriter every time a message is printed. However, the actions are displayed in the end (with only one try-catch block), but before final stats are printed, and that is the reason Observer is an abstract class and not an interface (it contains StringBuilder res field). To stdout, the in-game information is printed immediately.