Responsive Vanilla JS lightbox plugin, suitable for images, videos, iFrames, inline contents
- 2
Hide scrollbars entirely?
#199 opened by geertvdheide1 - 2
how can fix this fullscreen button in iframe type and some iframe options when necessary ?
#200 opened by wwwbarnamehadotnet - 1
- 1
Feature Request: Gallery Carousel
#181 opened by umer936 - 2
- 1
- 1
Windows Defender Wacatac detected
#194 opened by iamalexm - 3
- 1
Able to put title underneath the image.
#197 opened by jamesmonsarvas - 3
- 5
onPreOpen function not handling return values
#190 opened by jonathanrico - 1
The spinner named 'wave' is not displayed
#189 opened by PerfectNights - 4
- 2
Swiping doesn't work on Android devices
#184 opened by roskad - 1
Cant destroy and restart on ajax call
#185 opened by gcooke-hdk - 2
overlayClose does not work
#178 opened by kovacm - 1
onPreOpen does not work
#177 opened by kovacm - 1
Video Handling - Unknown Extension Types
#174 opened by sayontan - 1
- 1
- 1
Use data-src instead of src?
#169 opened by stephenmeehanuk - 4
Prevent vertical scroll
#170 opened by sashabeep - 1
#176 opened by Luckyfella73 - 5
- 2
No "destroy" Method?
#173 opened by sayontan - 1
- 0
trigger click gallery
#182 opened by Rich-Tee - 1
#183 opened by mmjaeger - 1
Error in documentation
#186 opened by JohnieWalkerCZ - 1
Venobox won't play html5 video mp4 or webs
#175 opened by NinaKirov - 2
automatic popup on page load
#167 opened by aryanrajseo - 14
- 3
How can I custom iframe sizes and styles?
#165 opened by JarisGV - 1
disabling left and right arrow keys ?
#156 opened by sanox1 - 1
How to use full screen?
#160 opened by hgalytoby - 2
Not Usable with ES6
#155 opened by Sysix - 2
Not working with old browser
#150 opened by tiendungdev - 1
Dimension of the modal window
#146 opened by Philippe-M - 1
doesn't work with angular ngfor / ngif on it
#143 opened by matanabatian - 2
mp4 video doesn't support !!!
#149 opened by mhsohag11 - 1
Adjust content to browser window
#153 opened by lparede - 1
Title in Venobox gallery
#158 opened by furioseta - 2
How to use Youtube no-cookie URL
#161 opened by Luckyfella73 - 1
Venobox Javascript vanilla
#162 opened by leoalv - 2
Why .css Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'
#159 opened by hgalytoby - 1
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Callback not working (ex. init)
#152 opened by sibputnik - 1
How to disable plyr for videos?
#148 opened by sashabeep - 1
Error thrown in safari
#147 opened by gcooke75 - 1
deactivate arrow navigation
#144 opened by Philippe-M