
FHV-Latex template

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

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FHV-Latex template

To use this template, it is recommened to work with TeXstudio. You can use the given profile provided in scripts (Mac, Windows, Linux). Install instructions can be found here. If you like to add a dictionary here is a link where you can download one. To install the dictionary go to preference (TeXstudio), under Spell Checking Dictionary, change the directory to the folder you put your dictionary in and restart TeXstudio (Source).

If you like to convert svg files to pdf you can use Inkscape and the given scripts in the InkscapeConverter Submodule Folder.

To count words in the document, follow this link.

The bibliography uses Biber to build and is adapted to FHV guidelines.

I also recommend to use TeX Live Latex distribution.

Here you find some examples: how to use Pictures, Tables, TikZ and the usage of referencing equations/sections.

An easy to use tablegenerator..

If you like to have a preview of the output mentioned in LatexVorlage, here you will find the different builds.

How to clone?

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/pasrom/FHV-Latex.git

How to compile?

  1. pdflatex (F5 / F6)
  2. biber (F8)
  3. makeglossaries (F9)
  4. pdflatex
  5. biber
  6. makeglossaries
  7. pdflatex

For a more detailed description see the makefile.

Steps 5 and 6 are only necessary if you are using acronyms in the appendix.

If you are compiling with TexStudio and you get this error

Befehl konnte nicht gestartet werden: "/Users/roman/Documents/workspace/FHV-Latex-diff/scripts/copy_TeXstudio.sh" "LatexVorlage" "/Users/roman/Documents/workspace/FHV-Latex-diff/"

make sure the copy script is runable.

chmod +x scripts/copy_TeXstudio.sh


Here you can define new commands (./sty/overallDefines.sty).

  1. With the command \def\debug{false} you can choose to add the packages


    This helps to lock at the page layout and to find overfull \hbox warnings.

  2. With the command \def\newLanguage{ngerman} you can choose between the language english and german, don't forget to build twice and don't panic if the first compilation throws an error.

  3. Setting names of the author, supervisor and titles:

    \def\supervisorName{Supervisor Name\xspace}
    \def\supervisorSurname{Supervisor Surname\xspace}
    \def\authorTitleBefore{Title B\xspace}
    \def\authorTitleAfter{Title A\xspace}   
    \def\supervisorTitleBefore{Title B\xspace}
    \def\supervisorTitleAfter{Title A\xspace}
  4. Setting the gender of the author with the command \def\wOrM{m}

  5. With the command \def\notesFHV{} you can add notes beside or under a paragraph. Following input is allowed:

    disable: notes not showed

    draft: notes showed


This is the main file, where all subfiles and packages are loaded.

You can define here

  1. The mode of the layout can be spezified with\def\FHVmode{x}. Where following arguments are working:

    1: documentation, e.g.: a documentation for a project done in a course

    2: thesis, e.g.: a master thesis (standard). It changes the style of the title page.

    3: summary, changes the layout. If you want to use all the space an the page, but take in mind, the typography is destroyed!

    5: presentation, if an error is occurring, build twice or delete the build files!

    9: paper

  2. With the \def\FHVtitlePage{fhv} command it is possible to change the title layout:

    minimal: only a title, name, version number and date.

    fhv: following the layout from ilias.

    comment out: comment out this line to use the layout defined with FHVmode.

  3. \newcommand{\version}{v0.0} self explaining, version numbering.

Use autocompletion

Copy fhv.cwl to ~/.config/texstudio/completion/user/ (Linux, Mac). For further information FAQ: Where are cwl files stored?

Common errors and possible fixes

In texstudio add the file:
FHV-Latex-master/scripts/tex_profile_win.txsprofile to
texstudio > options > load profile

Error (Windows): pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts. \end{envModeNot}

open miktex and install package cm-super

Error (Windows): TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=3000000].

Solution from: github wiki

  1. open a command window and write:
    initexmf --edit-config-file=pdflatex opens file in editor C:/Users/"username"/AppData/Roaming/MiKTeX/2.9/miktex/config/pdflatex.ini
  2. change the line to: main_memory=5000000
  3. save the file
  4. update the settings by: initexmf --dump=pdflatex