
Udacity React Nanodegree - Project 1

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MyReads Project

A Udacity React Nanodegree Project.


npm install - to install dependencies

npm start - to start the front-end app

Important Files

├── README.md - This file.
├── package.json # npm package manager file
├── public
│   └── index.html # File that React renders UI onto
└── src
    ├── App.css # Styling for app
    ├── App.js # This is the root of the app
    ├── Bookshelf.js # Bookshelf component on root page /
    ├── SearchBooks.js # Search and displayed books on search page /search
    ├── BooksAPI.js # A JavaScript API for the provided Udacity backend
    ├── icons # Helpful images for app
    ├── index.css # Global styles
    └── index.js # Used for DOM rendering only