
Materials for the course taught in the academic year 2023/2024 at the University of Vienna in the international master's program in communication science.

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Research Design and Data Collection

Materials for the course taught in the academic year 2023/2024 at the University of Vienna, Department of Communication, in the international master's program in communication science. The slides are available in the "lectures" directory.


  1. Research Essentials. A Primer on Crafting Topics, Posing Questions, Hypothesizing, and Examining Literature in Social Sciences.
  2. What is Descriptive Research? The Challenges and Allure of a “Mere Description” in Social Science.
  3. Conceptual Analysis and Literature Review. Establishing Order and Clarity from the Ground Up.
  4. Charting Social Science Methodology. A Bird’s-Eye View of the Qualitative and Quantitative Paradigms and Their Branches.
  5. The Art of Scholarly Synthesis. A Panoramic View of Different Literature Review Strategies.
  6. A Slice of Society. The Variety and Significance of Sampling Methods in the Social Sciences.
  7. The Logic of Controls and Comparisons in Social Science.
  8. An Introduction to the Diversity of Variables, Data Generating Processes, and Statistical Methods (Regression Models).
  9. Survey Design Essentials. Crafting Questions for Accurate Responses.
  10. Digital Methods. Digital Ethnography and Computational Data Collection via APIs, Scraping, and Digital Archives.
  11. Text and Data. Manual Content Analysis and Computational Techniques.