Contribution to http://www.jfree.org/jfreesvg/

Primary LanguageJava


Version 2.1, 4 August 2014

(C)opyright 2013, 2014, by Object Refinery Limited. All rights reserved.


JFreeSVG is a graphics library for the Java(tm) platform that allows you to generate content in SVG and Javascript (HTML5 Canvas) format using the standard Java2D drawing API (Graphics2D). JFreeSVG is light-weight, fast, and has no dependencies other than the Java runtime (1.6 or later). The home page for the project is:


This version (2.1) was released on 4 August 2014. A change history appears at the end of this file.

Getting Started

The Javadocs for the SVGGraphics2D and CanvasGraphics2D classes give examples for typical usage, and if you are already familiar with the Java2D APIs, then all you need to do is add jfreesvg-2.0.jar to your classpath and start coding.

Oracle provides tutorials for Java2D here:


There are some demonstration applications included in the org.jfree.graphics2d.demo.* package. These applications make use of JFreeChart, so you'll find an additional jar in the 'lib' directory (jfreechart-nofx-2.0-pre1.jar). This jar file is required for the demo code only.


JFreeSVG is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) or later. The license file is included in this distribution (gpl-3.0.txt). If you prefer not to be bound by the terms of the GPLv3, you can purchase an alternative license from Object Refinery Limited (please e-mail info@object-refinery.com for details, or check the JFreeSVG home page).

Please note that JFreeSVG is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the license for details.

Other code distributed with JFreeSVG:

  • the JFreeChart library (required for the demos only) is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL), a copy of this license can be found in the lib folder (the LGPL is not the same as the GPL). To get the source code and other information about JFreeChart, please visit http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/

Change History

Version 2.1 (4 August 2014)

  • fixed bug with element end tag for JFreeChart;
  • fixed compilation error in demos.

Version 2.0 (30 July 2014)

  • added configurable text-rendering and shape-rendering properties to the SVG element;
  • observe KEY_STROKE_CONTROL rendering hints;
  • fixed create() method so that Swing components can be rendered correctly;
  • modified the font render context info to fix glyph positioning for text drawn as vector graphics;
  • write colors using rgb() rather than rgba(), and write the alpha value to separate opacity attribute;
  • changed the license from AGPLv3 to GPLv3.

Version 1.9 (6 May 2014)

  • added defsKeyPrefix attribute to allow unique ids for DEFS when generating multiple SVG elements for use in a single HTML page;
  • added support for LinearGradientPaint and improved existing GradientPaint handling;
  • added KEY_ELEMENT_TITLE rendering hint;
  • added support for arbitrary key, value pairs in the KEY_START_GROUP handler;
  • added zeroStrokeWidth attribute to allow configuration of handling for BasicStroke with zero width (which the Java specification states should be "rendered as the thinnest possible line");
  • fixed a bug in the drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) method.

Version 1.8 (11 April 2014)

  • added additional KEY_BEGIN_GROUP options, plus special integration support for Orson Charts;
  • added special handling for shape drawing when the Stroke is not an instance of BasicStroke;
  • explicitly set encoding to UTF-8 for SVGUtils.writeToSVG() and SVGUtils.writeToHTML().

Version 1.7 (25 February 2014)

  • added SVGHints.KEY_BEGIN_GROUP and SVGHints.KEY_END_GROUP to allow grouping of SVG output;
  • fix drawString() to include id if SVGHints.KEY_ELEMENT_ID is set;
  • fix transparent colors issue;
  • fixed minor issue with meta tag in HTML output file.

Version 1.6 (18 December 2013)

  • fixed a minor packaging error in version 1.5.

Version 1.5 (18 December 2013)

  • added FontMapper to ensure that Java logical font names map to the equivalent SVG generic font names;
  • added SVGHints.KEY_IMAGE_HREF to allow image references to be specified;
  • added SVGHints.KEY_ELEMENT_ID to allow an element id to be supplied for the next element to be written;
  • fixed a bug for special characters in drawString();
  • fixed a bug with coordinate formatting in certain locales.

Version 1.4 (24 October 2013)

  • getSVGFontStyle() now specifies font-size units as required by the SVG standard. Fixes a bug that is visible when the SVG output is rendered in FireFox (which is more strict about the standard than other browsers);
  • added text-rendering attribute to the SVG text element generated by the drawString() method;
  • added new key and values to SVGHint to configure the value of the text-rendering attribute.

Version 1.3 (24 September 2013)

  • implemented getDeviceConfiguration() method;
  • fixed clipping bug with transforms applied after clip is set;
  • fixed bug with setClip(null);
  • fixed "not well-formed" parsing issue for Firefox;
  • set preserveAspectRatio attribute for images;

Version 1.2 (13 September 2013)

  • added SVG and XLINK namespaces to SVG element;
  • fixed capitalisation of linearGradient element, to pass W3C validator;
  • added support for Java2D's RadialGradientPaint;
  • added SVGUtils.writeToSVG() method;
  • added new demo SVGTimeSeriesChartDemo1.java.

Version 1.1 (4 September 2013)

  • reimplemented drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, float, float) using TextLayout and modified drawGlyphVector() to fill rather than stroke shapes (for SVG/CanvasGraphics2D);
  • removed the PDF code (to a separate project, OrsonPDF);
  • fixed clipping bug in SVGGraphics2D;
  • added geomDP and transformDP attributes to CanvasGraphics2D to control number of decimal places for numbers written to script;

Version 1.0 (31 July 2013)

  • Initial public release.

Contact / Questions

If you have any questions or feedback about JFreeSVG, please post in the forum:


...or send an e-mail to david.gilbert@object-refinery.com.