
Set background wallpaper to a random image from Google Earth View.

Primary LanguageGo

๐ŸŒŽ earth-view

Go NixOS Home Manager FlakeHub

Randomly set desktop background from 2000+ images sourced from Google Earth View.

Currently supporting:

  • X desktops
  • GNOME on Wayland or X11
  • KDE on Wayland or X11

Wayland compositors support will come soon.

๐Ÿ“ฅ Installation

โ„๏ธ NixOS

Flakes (recommended)

  # Use unstable to get latest updates
  inputs.earth-view.url = "github:nicolas-goudry/earth-view";
  # Pin to a given version
  #inputs.earth-view.url = "github:nicolas-goudry/earth-view/v1.4.1";
  # Use FlakeHub
  #inputs.earth-view.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/nicolas-goudry/earth-view/*.tar.gz";
  # Optional, follow your nixpkgs input
  #inputs.earth-view.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, earth-view }: {
    nixosConfigurations.yourhostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      # Customize to your system
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [


{ lib, ... }:

  imports = let
    # Replace this with an actual commit or tag
    rev = "<replace>";
  in [
    "${builtins.fetchTarball {
      url = "https://github.com/nicolas-goudry/earth-view/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
      # Replace this with an actual hash
      sha256 = lib.fakeHash;

๐Ÿ  Home Manager

Flakes: NixOS system-wide home-manager configuration

  # Use unstable to get latest updates
  inputs.earth-view.url = "github:nicolas-goudry/earth-view";
  # Pin to a given version
  #inputs.earth-view.url = "github:nicolas-goudry/earth-view/v1.4.1";
  # Use FlakeHub
  #inputs.earth-view.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/nicolas-goudry/earth-view/*.tar.gz";
  # Optional, follow your nixpkgs input
  #inputs.earth-view.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, earth-view }: {
    nixosConfigurations.yourhostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      # Customize to your system
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [
        home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager {
          home-manager.sharedModules = [

Flakes: Configuration via home.nix

{ inputs, ... }:

  imports = [

fetchTarball: Configuration via home.nix

{ lib, ... }:

  imports = let
    # Replace this with an actual commit or tag
    rev = "<replace>";
  in [
    "${builtins.fetchTarball {
      url = "https://github.com/nicolas-goudry/earth-view/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
      # Replace this with an actual hash
      sha256 = lib.fakeHash;

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป Usage

  # Default values
  services.earth-view = {
    enable = false;
    interval = null;
    imageDirectory = ".earth-view";
    display = "fill";
    enableXinerama = true;


Currently, the systemd service is not automatically started. To manually start it, you can use the following command after applying your configuration:

systemctl --user start earth-view.timer

If that does not work or you would like to manually switch the background you can start/restart the main service:

systemctl --user start earth-view


Whether to enable Earth View service.

Note, if you are using NixOS and have set up a custom desktop manager session for Home Manager, then the session configuration must have the bgSupport option set to true or the background image set by this module may be overwritten.


The duration between changing background image. Set to null to only set background when logging in. Should be formatted as a duration understood by systemd.


The directory to which background images should be downloaded, relative to $HOME.


Display background images according to this option. See feh documentation for details.


This option has no effect neither on GNOME nor KDE.


Will place a separate image per screen when enabled, otherwise a single image will be stretched across all screens.


This option has no effect neither on GNOME nor KDE.

๐Ÿง How it works

Source of truth

All discovered images URLs from Earth View are saved in _earthview.txt, which is the source of truth of this module.

To create this file, we use a small Go module which scrapes the Earth View static assets in order to find valid images URLs. If you want to use it locally:

# Use go
go run ./scraper

# Use a devshell
nix develop # ...or nix-shell

# Run via nix
nix run '.#ev-scraper'

# Build it
nix build '.#ev-scraper' # ...or nix-build -A ev-scraper

Image selection

To select an image, a random line from the source of truth is read and a Go module is used to download it and save it to the imageDirectory directory. The need for a Go module comes from the fact that Earth View exposes images as JSON object with a dataUri key containing the base64 encoded image. It also contribute to reduce Bash usage.


Both modules use a systemd user-managed unit, along with a timer when interval is specified.

The service executes a Bash script which uses the Go module described in the previous section to fetch the image and then set the desktop background accordingly. Read further for more details.

Some background

Setting the background depends on the desktop manager in use. We detect the current desktop environment with the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable and set the background with the right program:

  • GNOME on Wayland or X11: gsettings
  • KDE on Wayland or X11: plasma-apply-wallpaperimage
  • X: feh

Why not only use feh, would you ask? Well, as of today it does not support setting the GNOME background image. And it may not ever support it. It seems that it also does not work with KDE. And obviously it does not work with Wayland compositors.

๐ŸŽฉ Acknowledgments

This module is heavily based on the random-background service of home-manager, by rycee.

The idea to create this module was triggered by the Google Earth Wallpaper Gnome extension, which is not anymore compatible with Gnome 45 or Gnome 46.

Last but not least, this would not be possible without the great Google Earth View website and the Chrome extension.


  • ๐Ÿ— Setup Github Actions to update the image URLs source file
  • โœจ Add support for all Wayland compositors with swaybg
  • โœจ Add autoStart option to enable and start the systemd services
  • ๐Ÿงน Add autoGC option to enable images garbage collection
  • ๐Ÿ“ก Make sure network is up to avoid image download failure