
R package to complement the handbook on sequence analysis "L'analyse statistique des trajectoires" (Ined, 2021)

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Miscellaneous Tools for Sequence Analysis

This R package complements the handbook on sequence analysis "L'analyse statistique des trajectoires" (see references).

It provides the datasets used in the examples in the handbook, as well as functions for :

  • describing episodes in individual sequences (at least one episode, number of episodes, position of the start of the first episode)
  • measuring association between domains in multidimensional sequence analysis
  • heat maps of sequence data
  • Globally Interdependent Multidimensional Sequence Analysis (GIMSA)
  • smoothing sequences for index plots
  • coding sequences for Qualitative Harmonic Analysis
  • measuring stress from MDS factors
  • symmetrical PLS


Execute the following code within R:

if (!require(devtools)){


Robette, Nicolas. L'analyse statistique des trajectoires : Typologies de séquences et autres approches. Nouvelle édition [en ligne]. Paris : Ined Éditions, 2021. Disponible sur Internet : https://books.openedition.org/ined/16670. ISBN : 9782733290507. DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/books.ined.16670.