
Simple workflow management

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

What is WorkflowState ?

Simple workflow management

Package & Status

Package Build status NuGet
WorkflowState.Core Build status NuGet

How do I get started?

Install the package

Install-Package WorkflowState.Core

Configure your workflow

workflow.Configure(conf =>
    conf.CreateTransition(startState, endState, trigger);

Use it

var stateInformation = workflow.GetNextState(startState, trigger);

Exporting your workflow

var graph = GraphHelper.ExportWorkflow(workflow);

Visualize your workflow on site who draw dot graph like https://dreampuf.github.io/GraphvizOnline/

Alt text


A good way to get started (flow)

  1. Fork the WorkflowState repos.
  2. Create a new branch in you current repos from the 'master' branch.
  3. 'Check out' the code with Git
  4. Check contributing.md
  5. push commits and create a Pull Request (PR) to WorkflowState


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details