
A project to learn how to use OpenApi

Primary LanguageJava

Open Api

Here you can find my tests about OpenaPI, I'm reading the following links to learn about it.

- https://openapi-generator.tech/


This was my first example taken an OpenApi contract that I found in github and implementing the server.


This was made from scratch, I first write the OpenApi contract, then I implemented the server. In this case, I'm also using Spring Actuator which is not related to OpenApi, but it's the first time I play with it.

Url Description
http://localhost:8010/actuator/ Display all the urls we have available in the actuator, for ex (http://localhost:8010/actuator/health) that could be used as readiness prove at k8s
http://localhost:8010/card Implementation of one OpenApi contract, display a list of tokenized cards
