
Neovim config for C++ and Python

Primary LanguageLua

Neovim Configuration



On Fedora:

sudo dnf install neovim

On MacOs:

brew install neovim
`git clone https://github.com/nicolasaunai/neovimconf.git ~/.config/nvim`
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim  ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
`cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/nico`
`nvim packer.lua`

then in neovim, source the file packer.lua with :so and run PackerSync to install all plugins

Cheat Sheet


  • gd : Goto Definition
  • gD : Goto Declaration
  • gr : list References of word under cursor
  • <leader>D : type Definition of the variable under cursor

Types informations

  • <leader>D : type Definition of the variable under cursor
  • K : hover documentation


  • <Ctrl-y> : Confirms selection.
  • <Ctrl-e> : Cancel the completion.
  • <Down> : Navigate to the next item on the list.
  • <Up> : Navigate to previous item on the list.
  • <Ctrl-n> : Go to the next item in the completion menu, or trigger completion menu.
  • <Ctrl-p> : Go to the previous item in the completion menu, or trigger completion menu.
  • <Ctrl-d> : Scroll down in the item's documentation.
  • <Ctrl-u> : Scroll up in the item's documentation.
  • <Ctrl-f> : Go to the next placeholder in the snippet.
  • <Ctrl-b> : Go to the previous placeholder in the snippet.
  • <Tab> : Enables completion when the cursor is inside a word. If the completion menu is visible it will navigate to the next item in the list.
  • <Shift-Tab> : When the completion menu is visible navigate to the previous item in the list.
  • <Shift-Tab> : Accept Copilot suggestion
  • <C-j> : Next copilot suggestion
  • <C-k> : Previous copilot suggestion


  • f : Fuzzy file filter
  • F : close the file filter
  • <C-K> : display file informations
  • H : show/hide Hidden files (.files)
  • E : Expand all
  • W : Collapse all
  • r : Rename the file under cursor
  • a : create file or folder
  • d : Delete file or folder under cursor


  • <leader>ds : list Document Symbols
  • <leader>ws : list Workspace Symbols
  • <leader>sw : fuzzy Search Word under cursor in workspace
  • <leader>sg : fuzzy Search Grep in workspace
  • <leader>r : [R]ename

Commenting code

In NORMAL mode:

  • gcc : Toggles the current line using linewise comment
  • gbc : Toggles the current line using blockwise comment
  • [count]gcc : Toggles the number of line given as a prefix-count using linewise
  • [count]gbc : Toggles the number of line given as a prefix-count using blockwise
  • gc[count]{motion} :(Op-pending) Toggles the region using linewise comment
  • gb[count]{motion} :(Op-pending) Toggles the region using blockwise comment

In VISUAL mode:

  • gc : Toggles the region using linewise comment
  • gb : Toggles the region using blockwise comment


  • gcw : Toggle from the current cursor position to the next word
  • gc$ : Toggle from the current cursor position to the end of line
  • gc} : Toggle until the next blank line
  • gc5j : Toggle 5 lines after the current cursor position
  • gc8k : Toggle 8 lines before the current cursor position
  • gcip : Toggle inside of paragraph
  • gca} : Toggle around curly brackets


  • gb2} : Toggle until the 2 next blank line
  • gbaf : Toggle comment around a function (w/ LSP/treesitter support)
  • gbac : Toggle comment around a class (w/ LSP/treesitter support)


  • <leader>gs : [G]it [S]tatus
  • <leader>gb : [G]it [B]lame
  • <leader>gc : [G]it Commit
  • <leader>lgc : [L]ist [G]it Commits
  • <leader>lgb : [L]ist [G]it Branches

File & Buffers

  • <leader>f : fuzzy Find file in workspace
  • <C-p> : fuzzy Find file in git repository
  • <leader><leader>: list existing Buffers
  • <leader>sr : [S]earch [R]ecently opened files
  • <leader>rn : ReName current buffer
  • <leader>wa : Workspace Add folder
  • <leader>wr : Workspace Remove folder
  • <leader>wl : List workspace folders
  • <leader>cl : CLose buffer
  • <TAB> : next buffer
  • <S-TAB> : previous buffer

File Tree

  • <C-n> : display tree
  • <leader>f : find file


  • <leader>v : Vertical split
  • <leader>h : Horizontal split


  • <leader>ev : open neovim config directory
  • <leader>sv : source root init.lua config file
  • <leader>sm : fuzzy search in keymaps


  • <leader>sh : fuzzy Search Hhelp
  • <leader>sd : Search in Diagnostics


  • :Mason : Run Mason to install/uninstall LSP, DAP, Linters, Formatters
  • :MasonUpdate : Update all managed registries


  • source ~/.config/nvim/lua/nico/packer.lua : source the packer config
  • :PackerSync : Perform PackerUpdate and then PackerCompile
  • PackerCompile : Regenerate compiled loader file
  • PackerClean : Remove any disabled or unused plugins
  • PackerUpdate : Clean, then update and install plugins