
Encrypted Android mobile chat application backend (Laravel)

Primary LanguagePHP


CrypTalker is a open source Android application for strong (AES-256) crypted messaging. This repository contain only the application backend.

Not a single message is stored in database.

Check out the Java android app

API usage

Post request data are explained in the post parameters section of this readme.


HTTP verb Route Explanation Logged
POST /api/users/register Register a user to the app No
POST /api/users/login Log a user to the app with is pseudo or email No
POST /api/users/login-with-token Log a user to the app with is id and token No
GET /api/users/logout Logout a user Yes
GET /api/users/info/ Get all the info for the logged user Yes

Register Parameters:

  • (string) email A valid user email
  • (string) pseudo Alpha_dash pseudo between 2 and 55 chars
  • (string) password Password between 4 and 55 chars
  • (string) password_confirmation Password confirmation
  • (string) mobile_id Google CLoud Messaging user<=>app id

Login Parameters:

  • (string) pseudoOrEmail The user pseudo or email
  • (string) password The user valid password
  • (string) mobile_id Google CLoud Messaging user<=>app id

LoginWithToken Parameters:

  • (string) mobile_id Google CLoud Messaging user<=>app id
  • (string) token The user remember token

Register & Login return a user remember token to store in the client app (One different token by user<=>app).

HTTP verb Route Explanation Logged
POST /api/friends/request/ Make a friend request Yes
GET /api/friends/accept/:user_id Validate a friend invite Yes
GET /api/friends/refuse/:user_id Refuse a friend invite Yes
GET /api/friends/block/:user_id Block a friend Yes
GET /api/friends/unblock/:user_id Unblock a friend Yes

Request Parameters:

  • (string) pseudo Alpha_dash pseudo between 2 and 55 chars


HTTP verb Route Explanation Logged
POST /api/rooms/create Create a room Yes
POST /api/rooms/name Add a name to the room Yes
GET /api/rooms/add/:user_id/:room_id Add a user to the room Yes
GET /api/rooms/quit/:room_id Remove the user from the room Yes

Create Parameters:

  • (array) users_id List of users id to create the chat room

Name Parameters:

  • (int) room_id The id of the room to name
  • (string) name Name to give to the room

Message (Ratchet PHP websocket)

HTTP verb Route Explanation Logged
POST /api/messages/new Send a message Yes

New Parameters:

  • (int) room_id The id of the room to send the message
  • (string) message Message text content