

1st & 2nd week projects for the 'Become a Software Developer' Radium Rocket's course


First Week:

The problem of the first week consists of selecting a current news article from an online newspaper of your choice and create an HTML document that has the same content that the news article has (title, subtitles, date, text, images, links, etc.), respecting the semantic elements of HTML and saving the progress in a public repository from Github. The repository link must be uploaded in response to the weekly goal before the end of the week.

News article selected:

Second Week:

The problem of the second week consists to look for a new newspaper in English, but we must pay attention to the HTML content and also to the style. We have to create a new HTML document including the CSS style to make the page look identical to the original newspaper when viewing. This should be done for both the new news article and the one we created in week 1. It will also be necessary to add a link to the beginning or end of each news item to navigate within the newspaper that we are creating. That is, from the news of week 1 to the news of week 2 and vice versa. Finally, they must create a README document to the repository where the URLs of the original news are explicit so that tutors can compare.

News article selected:


This project was created with HTML & CSS.

Week 1 news article:

Week 2 news article:


  • The same video was used in the resolution of the first news article, as a result of the second video having a duration of 2 hours.
  • Using the second video was not beneficial for one of the objectives of the problem: to demonstrate the correct use of the HTML elements.
