RN Testing Lectures

This repository holds the examples that will be used in all 3 RN Testing Lectures as well as the practice exercises that will be presented at the end of each lecture as asynchronous material.

Lecture #1: Testing with Jest

  • Summary of the 3 lectures
  • Brief explanation of what Jest is and what is used for
  • How to approach a test
  • Live practical testing examples on utils used in a real project
  • How to view and interpret coverage
  • Sharing & explaining asynchronous material

Lecture #2: Testing Redux

  • Q&A: Lecture #1 asynchronous material
  • Introduction to MSW and asynchronous actions testing
  • Brief explanation of the utils (getMockStore and getMockState) we use and what problems they solve
  • Live practical examples of a reducer test
  • Live practical examples of an action test
  • Brief explanation of how to mock an API call with MSW
  • Live practical examples of an asynchronous action test with a mocked API
  • Sharing & explaining asynchronous material

Lecture #3: Testing React Native Components

  • Q&A: Lecture #2 asynchronous material
  • Introduction to RTL
  • Live practical examples of a simple component test
  • Live practical examples of a component test with Redux
  • Sharing & explaining asynchronous material

Where to find the material

  • First, checkout to the corresponding branch for the class you are taking

Class 1

You can find all we given during the class in the following path of the project: packages/lib/utils/demo


Branch: clase-1/exercises

  • Navigate to packages/lib/utils/exercises

Class 2

You can find all we given during the class in the following path of the project: packages/mobile/src/redux/modules/users


Branch: clase-2/exercises

  • Navigate to packages/mobile/src/redux/modules/users/userReducers.test.ts
  • Go to the end of the file & you should see an incomplete test for you to finish
  • Navigate to packages/mobile/src/redux/modules/users/actions/exercises
  • In that folder are two actions that have missing tests, go ahead and write them!
  • Navigate to packages/mobile/src/redux/modules/todos
  • This redux module has 0% of coverage. Add test to reducers, actions and selectors. Remember to add new handlers in packages/mobile/src/mocks/handlers.ts for the API calls!

Note: you can see the examples of class 2 if you feel lost

Class 3

You can find all we given during the class in the following path of the project: packages/mobile/src/components


Branch: main

  • Navigate to packages/mobile/src/components/UserList/UserList.test.tsx
  • This component have 3 missing tests, go ahead and write them!

Note: you can see more examples about how to check if an action have been called at the first render here packages/mobile/src/components/Example/Example.test.tsx


Participants will have to fork this repo in order to publish their own asynchronous material solutions in the form of a PR, each class will have their own separate branches each already created. This is meant to be a way to keep track of each student's work and keep the repo tidy and reusable for future lectures.