
Safely convert Rust types to Send

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Safely convert Rust types to Send

Suppose you have a variable x of type T which is not Send. We want to use x from other threads. But T is not Send, so we cannot move x across threads.

This crate provides SendWrapperThread which will create x in its own thread. Then you can interact with x from other threads through the wrapper.

This is safe because x always stays on its own dedicated thread. It's only the communication with it that needs to cross thread boundaries. The thread exits and x is dropped when the wrapper is dropped.

Example Usage

Suppose x is a raw pointer, which is not Send:

use send_safe::SendWrapperThread;

let make_x = || Box::into_raw(Box::new(41));
let mut wrapper = SendWrapperThread::new(make_x);

// Use `wrapper` to interact with `x` from inside a different thread.
std::thread::spawn(move || {
    let x_plus_1 = wrapper.execute(|&mut x| {
        // The Box is just for demonstrating wrapping a raw pointer.
        // This doesn't have to be unsafe if you were using different types.
        let unboxed_x = unsafe { Box::from_raw(x) };
        *unboxed_x + 1
    assert_eq!(x_plus_1, 42);

Use wrapper.execute_move if you want to take ownership and possibly consume x.


Thanks to @pirocks for advice and debugging help.