
This project illustrates this DZone article.

To deploy it run th following command:

$ copilot init --app duke-app --name duke --type "Load Balanced Web Service" --dockerfile ./DockerfileWithWAR --port 8080 --deploy

This will create the AWS Fargate infrastructure required to deploy and run the Wildfly 27.0 server with our Jakarta EE 10 application.

In order to clea-up the environment, run the following:

$ copilot app delete

Of course, you need an AWS account and aws cli and copilot installed and running on your box. Please follow the instructions in the article for additional details.

To run the integration tests on a local Wildfly server, in managed Arquillian adapter, run the following:

$ mvn -Parq-managed clean package verify

To run the integration tests on a local Wildfly server, in a remote Arquillian adapter, run the following:

$ mvn -Parq-remote clean package verify

To run the integration tests on a Wilfly server running in a Docker conatiner, using the remote Arquillian adapter, run the following:

$ mvn -Parq-docker clean package verify

If you want to execute manual tests with the browser, without using Arquillian, run the following:

$ mvn clean package docker:build docker:run

Then you can use your prefered browser to connect to http://localhost:8080/duke.

Last but not least, once deployed on the AWS Fargate serverless infrastructure, you can run integartion tests by executiong:

$ mvn -Paws clean package verify

You need to make sure first that the following statement in the TestIT class:

  private static final String lbUrl = "";

matches the URL displayed by the copilot init command. For example, if you see the message below:

- You can access your service at http://duke-Publi-V5NKFZU77FWB-1356331722.eu-west-3.elb.amazonaws.com over the internet.

then you have to adapt the statement above such that to read:

private static final String lbUrl = "http://duke-Publi-V5NKFZU77FWB-1356331722.eu-west-3.elb.amazonaws.com/duke";

and, hence, you can fire your browser at this same URL.