Repository for experiments using Deep Learning for Seasonal Climate Forecasting over New Zealand

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Deep Learning experiments for seasonal climate forecasting

content of the repository

  • dl4seas: modules

    • IO: inputs / outputs, for now functions to create TF protobuf files from xarray datasets and a list of netcdf files
    • NN: custom layers to use in CNNs and DataGenerator Class
    • preprocessing: for now only a train_scaler function using dask-ml or scikit-learn to train a Standard Scaler on xarray Dataset objects
    • utils: some utility functions
  • CNN

notebooks, scripts, outputs and figures for the core experiments building on Convolutional Neural Networks (incl. Auto-encoders)

notebooks, scripts, outputs and figures for the experiments specifically building on pre-trained NN architectures (Transfer Learning)

notebooks, scripts, outputs and figures for the experiments building on "wide and Deep"* architectures, which include auxiliary inputs representing the current state and / or the recent evolution of the climate system from observational sources.

  • Cheng, H.-T., and Coauthors, 2016: Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems. arXiv:1606.07792 [cs, stat]s