
Examples of integrated Pydap (OPeNDAP server) with WMS into the IPython Notebook.

Primary LanguagePython


Examples of integrated Pydap (OPeNDAP server) with WMS into the IPython Notebook. Check out the slides (also on Slideshare) for a more verbose explanation.

dapbook.py and template.html can be used together to easily embed map data from Pydap WMS servers into your IPython notebooks. They can read from a remote server or local.


  • all (to run notebooks) - ipython, tornado, pyzmq
  • readingdatafrompydap.ipynb - pydap only
  • embeddingmap-simple.ipynb - can be run without any further dependencies (as in nbviewer above)
  • embeddingmap-dynamic.ipynb - requires pydap, pydap.handlers.netcdf, pydap.responses.wms

Pydap uses Genshi which is why my template is in Genshi. If you don't intend to run a local Pydap server and you don't want to install it, you could just install Genshi. Or your favourite templating library, and make a template for that.

The data in my examples is a sample grid available from the Bureau of Meteorology. See the Australian Digital Forecast Database for more information (and to freely download).

Inspired to make your own WMS-ish app and do the map tile generation yourself? Check out leafvis :)