
Python brazilian portuguese dictionary, powered by a SQLite database.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A brazilian portuguese dictionary stored in an SQLite database for fast querying. The words in this dictionary and their meanings were collected from the AIZETA dictionary by a web crawler.


The installation process is very simple, since the whole project is a python package, you can simply clone this repository inside your project:

git clone https://github.com/nicolasleao/python_pt_dictionary.git
pip install -r python_pt_dictionary/requirements.txt

Once the installation is complete, you can import the package inside your project using:

from python_pt_dictionary import dictionary


There are 6 available query types, you can query using the whole word, using a prefix, or using a suffix, all of these options can either be queried by a perfect match, including Accentuation, or a simplified match, that ignores accentuation.

to execute a query, use the following command:

dictionary.select('Your query', selector_command)

Available selector commands:

selector_command description
dictionary.Selector.PERFECT Whole word, perfect match
dictionary.Selector.SIMPLE Whole word, simplified match
dictionary.Selector.PREFIX Prefix, perfect match
dictionary.Selector.SIMPLE_PREFIX Prefix, simplified match
dictionary.Selector.SUFFIX Suffix, perfect match
dictionary.Selector.SIMPLE_SUFFIX Suffix, simplified match


result = dictionary.select("Peixe", dictionary.Selector.PERFECT)

will store the instance of the word Peixe, found in the database, inside the 'result' variable, and


Will print "Animal vertebrado que vive na água e respira por guelras."