
Train a CNN (ResNext) with PyTorch + Fastai and deploy as AWS Lambda Function

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Train CNN with PyTorch + Fastai and deploy on AWS Lambda

The idea of this repo is to take the binary output from this Lambda function, where a person is cropped out of the background, and then classify that as belonging to either class A or B. I'm going to first create a dataset using images downloaded from Google and the Open Images Dataset, and then train a CNN (convolutional neural network) with Fastai and PyTorch. Once that's done I'm going to convert my model Torch Script, upload those weights to S3, and deploy the whole thing as a Lambda function. The input will be binary data (image) and the output will be a JSON.


You should have:


The first step is to clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/nicolasmetallo/serverless-cnn-pytorch/

Now open train_deploy_pytorch_serverless.ipynb in Google Colab and follow the steps to create a training dataset that consist of classes "A" and "B" in order to create a simple binary image classification model. We are going to use the google-images-download tool to download images from the class we want to recognise (i.e. "A") and the Open Images Dataset to get the other class. Running the notebook won't take more than 30 minutes and you will end up with a model.tar.gz file at the end that will contain the weights (.pth) and classes (.txt).

Google provides a free NVIDIA T4 when you run Colab for up to 12 hours (it's not completely regular) so remember to have the Notebook set-up to use it. Go to Edit > Notebook settings > Hardware accelerator > GPU.

Once you have downloaded model.tar.gz to your local filesystem you need to upload it to AWS S3. Follow the steps in my other repo: https://github.com/nicolasmetallo/serverless-ssd300-vgg to upload files, package, build, and deploy your function. You don't actually need to build before you deploy as we are not using any dependency outside of the Lambda ARN we specified in template.yaml.

Once you have finished deploying your function, you should see something like this:

|                                      DescribeStacks                                       |
|  Description|  API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for PyTorch function               |
|  OutputKey  |  PyTorchApi                                                                 |
|  OutputValue|  https://9xxft46ddb.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Prod/invocations/   |

At the end, use the test.ipynb notebook to run queries against your new Lambda function.