
A golang RESTful API starter project.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A golang RESTful API starter project.

The starter project includes the following out of the box:

  • Authorization middleware
  • Error handling middleware
  • Input validation middleware
  • Swagger documentation
  • Database integration (gorm + PostgreSQL)
  • Containerization via Docker
  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests
  • Complete CI workflow (build -> test -> publish)

Getting Started

Run the application:

make persistence-start
make go-run

Execute the tests:

make go-test


Build the Docker image:

make docker-build

Run the Docker image:

make docker-run

Directory Structure

  • build contains all shell scripts needed to build and test the application.
  • cmd contains the source code! By convention, the source directory is named cmd, within, there is another directory with the name of the project - in this case api. This directory contains the main.go file that runs the Go application. The rest of the source is further divided into modules in this directory.
  • config contains files with all required environment variables.
  • pkg contains a Go package that only contains the global app version string. This is substituted for the actual version computed from the commit hash during build.


Install the swag binary:

go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag

Regenerate Swagger docs:

make swag-init

Start the API, Swagger docs are served at: http://localhost:3000

Contribution Guidelines

Never commit directly to master, create a feature branch and submit a pull request.