
Fast mini batch version of treelstm using tensorflow

Primary LanguagePython

Forked from https://github.com/sapruash/RecursiveNN

Tensorflow implementation of N-ary Recursive Neural Networks using LSTM units as described in "Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks" by Kai Sheng Tai, Richard Socher, and Christopher D. Manning.

This implementation builds a meta-tree per minibatch that aggregates all its samples. A meta-tree is then processed heightwise. Each nodes with a given height h depends only from nodes of height h-1, this allows to aggregate all matrix mutliplications within h. Thus the number of matrix multiplication per mini batch can be reduced from O(MxN) to O(log(N)) where M is the mini batch size and N the number of nodes. The result is a training time 70x faster with the reference model : https://github.com/sapruash/RecursiveNN.

Usage :

  • From your shell run :


    to download and preprocess data. (This may take a while)

  • Then :

    python tf_sentimentmain.py -optimized

    to train the model on the SST dataset with optimized model version, without argument the sapruash's version is launched.