
🔍 JoliCode's Elastica wrapper to bootstrap Elasticsearch PHP integrations

Primary LanguagePHP

Elastically, Elastica based framework

This project is a work in progress.

Under Construction

Build Status

Feedback welcome!

Opinionated Elastica based framework to bootstrap PHP and Elasticsearch implementations.

  • DTO are first class citizen, you send object for documents, and get objects back, like an ODM;
  • All indexes are versioned / aliased;
  • Mappings are done in YAML;
  • Analysis is separated from mappings;
  • 100% compatibility with ruflin/elastica;
  • Designed for Elasticsearch 7+ (no types), compatible with both ES 6 and ES 7;
  • Symfony HttpClient compatible transport;
  • Extra commands to monitor, update mapping, reindex... Commonly implemented tasks.


Quick example of what the library do on top of Elastica:

// Your own DTO, or one generated by Jane (see below)
class Beer
    public $foo;
    public $bar;

// Building the Index from a mapping config
use JoliCode\Elastically\Client;
use Elastica\Document;

// New Client object with new options
$client = new Client([
    // Where to find the mappings
    Client::CONFIG_MAPPINGS_DIRECTORY => __DIR__.'/configs',
    // What object to find in each index
        'beers' => Beer::class,    

// Class to build Indexes
$indexBuilder = $client->getIndexBuilder();

// Create the Index in Elasticsearch
$index = $indexBuilder->createIndex('beers');

// Set the proper aliases
$indexBuilder->markAsLive($index, 'beers');

// Class to index DTO in an Index
$indexer = $client->getIndexer();

$dto = new Beer();
$dto->bar = 'American Pale Ale';
$dto->foo = 'Hops from Alsace, France';

// Add a document to the queue
$indexer->scheduleIndex('beers', new Document('123', $dto));

// Force index refresh if needed

// Get the Document (new!)
$results = $client->getIndex('beers')->getDocument('123');

// Get the DTO (new!)
$results = $client->getIndex('beers')->getModel('123');

// Perform a search
$results = $client->getIndex('beers')->search('alsace');

// Get the Elastic Document

// Get the Elastica compatible Result

// Get the DTO 🎉 (new!)

// Create a new version of the Index "beers"
$index = $indexBuilder->createIndex('beers');

// Slow down the Refresh Interval of the new Index to speed up indexation

// Set proper aliases
$indexBuilder->markAsLive($index, 'beers');

// Clean the old indices (close the previous one and delete the older)


# Anything you want, no validation
    number_of_replicas: 1
    number_of_shards: 1
    refresh_interval: 60s
    dynamic: false
            type: text
            analyzer: english
                    type: keyword


This library add custom configurations on top of Elastica's:


The directory Elastically is going to look for YAML.

When creating a foobar index, a foobar.yaml file is expected.

If an analyzers.yaml file is present, all the indices will get it.


An array of index name to class FQN.

  'indexName' => '\My\AwesomeDTO'

Client::CONFIG_SERIALIZER (optional)

A SerializerInterface and DenormalizerInterface compatible object that will by used both on indexation and search.

Default to Symfony Object Normalizer.

A faster alternative is to use Jane to generate plain PHP Normalizer, see below. Also we recommend customization to handle things like Date.


Allow to specify the Serializer context for normalization and denormalization.

$client->setConfigValue(Client::CONFIG_SERIALIZER_CONTEXT_PER_CLASS, [
    Beer::class => ['attributes' => ['title']],

Default to [].

Client::CONFIG_BULK_SIZE (optional)

When running indexation of lots of documents, this setting allow you to fine-tune the number of document threshold.

Default to 100.

Client::CONFIG_INDEX_PREFIX (optional)

Add a prefix to all indexes and aliases created via Elastically.

Default to null.

Using Jane for DTO and fast Normalizers

Install JanePHP and the model generator to build your own DTO and Normalizers. Then create your Serializer like this:

$normalizers = \Elasticsearch\Normalizer\NormalizerFactory::create();
$encoders = [
    new JsonEncoder(
       new JsonEncode([JsonEncode::OPTIONS => \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES]),
       new JsonDecode([JsonDecode::ASSOCIATIVE => false])

$serializer = new Serializer($normalizers, $encoders);

$client = new Client([
    Client::CONFIG_SERIALIZER => $serializer,

Usage in Symfony

Just declare the proper service in services.yaml:

            log: '%kernel.debug%'
            host: '%env(ELASTICSEARCH_HOST)%'
            elastically_mappings_directory: '%kernel.root_dir%/Elasticsearch/mappings'
                my_index_name: \App\Model\MyModel
            elastically_bulk_size: 100

Using HttpClient as Transport

You can also use the Symfony HttpClient for all Elastica communications:

JoliCode\Elastically\Transport\HttpClientTransport: ~

            host: '%env(ELASTICSEARCH_HOST)%'
            transport: '@JoliCode\Elastically\Transport\HttpClientTransport'

To be done

  • some "todo" in the code
  • optional Doctrine connector
  • better logger - maybe via a processor? extending _log is supposed to be deprecated :(
  • optional Symfony integration (DIC)
    • web debug toolbar!
  • scripts / commands for common tasks:
    • auto-reindex when the mapping change, handle the aliases and everything
    • micro monitoring for cluster / indexes
    • health-check method



Open Source time sponsored by JoliCode.