This repository will be used as the website for Functional Programming CS-210. It will be updated weekly throughout the semester. This README contains general information about the class.

  • previous-exams contains PDFs for the previous exams.
  • exercises contains markdown documents for the exercise sessions and solutions.
  • slides contains the slides presented in class.
  • labs contains markdown documents for the labs.

We will use GitLab's issue tracker as a discussion forum. Feel free to open an issue if you have any comments or questions

First-week tasks

  1. Join the Discord
  2. Log into gitlab:
  3. [Register in a group](exercises/Group for the exercise sessions
  4. Follow the Tools Setup page.
  5. Do the example lab.
  6. Do the first graded lab.


The grading of the course is divided between labs (25%), exercises (5%) and a final exam (70%). There will be no midterm exam this year.


Role People
Professors Martin Odersky, Viktor Kunčak
TAs Adrien Ghosn, Dragana Milovancevic, Guillaume Martres, Nicolas Stucki, Olivier Blanvillain
Student TAs Arthur Vignon, Emilien Ordonneau, Lucas Giordano, Mohamed Dhraief, Sara Djambazovska


Lectures are prerecorded and published on this page. Exercise sessions take place on Wednesdays from 13:15 to 15:00 on Discord. Lab sessions take place on Fridays from 10:15 to 12:00, also on Discord. In the first 2 weeks of the semester, in-person office hours will be held on Wednesdays from 13:15 to 15:00 in CO 2, and on Fridays from 10:15 to 12:00 in ELA1. These office hours are there to help you setting up Git and Java our your machines and answer any other question you might have about the class. We will be happy to arrange further in-person or virtual (Discord, Zoom, etc.) office hours--just contact one of us with a list of all your available time slots.

Lecture Schedule

Note: In some lectures, worksheets are used to present code. To learn how to use worksheets yourselves, please follow the Tools Setup and example lab. To create a new empty project to experiment with worksheets, you can clone the following repository and run code . inside as usual: git clone

Week Date Topic Video
1 16.09.2020 Intro class Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
2 23.09.2020 Recursion / Function values Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
3 30.09.2020 Classes Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
4 07.10.2020 Classes
5 14.10.2020 List
6 21.10.2020 Collection
7 04.11.2020 Monads
8 28.10.2020 Lazy evaluation
9 11.11.2020 Type-directed computation
10 18.11.2020 State
11 25.11.2020 Functional Reactive Programming and Constraint Propagation / Symbolic computation
12 02.12.2020 Interpreter
13 09.12.2020 Interpreter
14 16.12.2020 Review for the exam

Lab Schedule

Title Start Date Discord Session (Fridays 10:15 to 12:00) Due Date (AoE)
Recursion 16.09.2020 18.09.2020 27.09.2020
Functional Sets 23.09.2020 25.09.2020 01.10.2020
Object-Oriented Sets 30.09.2020 02.10.2020 08.10.2020
Huffman Coding 07.10.2020 09.10.2020 & 16.10.2020 22.10.2020
Anagrams 21.10.2020 23.10.2020 05.11.2020
Quickcheck 28.10.2020 30.10.2020 12.11.2020
Bloxorz 04.11.2020 06.11.2020 & 13.11.2020 19.11.2020
Codecs 18.11.2020 20.11.2020 & 27.11.2020 03.12.2020
Interpreter 02.12.2020 04.12.2020 & 11.12.2020 17.12.2020

Labs are individual assignments where you get to write Scala programs using the concepts learned during lectures. Labs are submitted by pushing your code on GitLab, see details in the grading and submission page.

Exercise Schedule

Title Handout Released Discord Session (Wednesdays 13:15 to 15:00) Due Date (AoE) Solution Released
First week tasks - 16.09.2020 - -
Exercise Session 1 - 23.09.2020 27.09.2020 28.09.2020
Exercise Session 2 28.09.2020 30.09.2020 04.10.2020 05.10.2020
Exercise Session 3 05.10.2020 07.10.2020 11.10.2020 12.10.2020
Exercise Session 4 12.10.2020 14.10.2020 19.10.2020 20.10.2020
Exercise Session 5 20.10.2020 21.10.2020 25.10.2020 26.10.2020
Exercise Session 6 26.10.2020 28.10.2020 01.11.2020 02.11.2020
Exercise Session 7 09.11.2020 11.11.2020 15.11.2020 16.11.2020
Exercise Session 8 16.11.2020 18.11.2020 22.11.2020 23.11.2020
Exercise Session 9 23.11.2020 25.11.2020 29.11.2020 30.11.2020
Exercise Session 10 30.11.2020 02.12.2020 06.12.2020 07.12.2020
Exercise Session 11 07.12.2020 09.12.2020 13.12.2020 14.12.2020

Exercises are pen and paper style questions that will prepare you for the final exam. Exercises should be done in groups and submitted via Google Drive, see details in the [Group workspaces](exercises/Group page.

Exam Schedule

The final exam date will be during the exam session in January 2021. The final exam will cover all material seen during the semester.

Information about exam organization will be communicated by email a few days before the exam.